Australia in Danger of Not Meeting Energy Needs Because of Pie in the Sky Green Energy Fantasies – IOTW Report

Australia in Danger of Not Meeting Energy Needs Because of Pie in the Sky Green Energy Fantasies


Guest essay by Eric Worrall

Multinational Mining Giant Glencore has warned of job losses and damaging economic contraction, because government favouritism towards renewable energy has eroded reliable baseload capacity. Energy intensive businesses like Glencore are firing workers and decommissioning factories, to match the reduced availability of reliable baseload power.

Australia passes a ‘tipping point’ in energy crisis

Glencore has warned that Australia has drifted past a “tipping point” of industrial energy “demand destruction” and that the nation has 12 months to re-establish reliability and affordability of its base load power capacity or risk permanent and unpredictable shifts in the shape of the economy.

“We have to meet Australia’s energy needs now, in five years, 10 years and 15 years. We can’t rely on blue-sky thinking. There is an energy crisis in the world’s largest exporter of coal, the second largest exporter of gas and a major exporter of uranium. We need real solutions. Unless we make decisions really quickly, and I mean in the next 12 months, that re-establish base load capacity then we have no chance of sustaining the economy in the shape that it is in now.


ht/ annie

6 Comments on Australia in Danger of Not Meeting Energy Needs Because of Pie in the Sky Green Energy Fantasies

  1. “There is an energy crisis in the world’s largest exporter of coal, the second largest exporter of gas and a major exporter of uranium. We need real solutions.”


    The “energy solutions” are right before your faces, but you’re too fukkin dumb (or indoctrinated) to see them?
    The Lord helps fools and the afflicted … so Australia will be OK.

    izlamo delenda est …

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