You Have PEE PRIVILEGE!!!!!!! – IOTW Report

You Have PEE PRIVILEGE!!!!!!!

Campus Reform-

The notorious Northern Arizona University now has signs outside of on-campus restrooms that ask students to consider whether they have “pee privilege.”

“Do you have pee privilege?” one sign questions, informing restroom-goers that if they “never have to think about gender identity, ability, or access when peeing,” then “[they] do.”

Another sign expands upon the definition of “pee privilege,” noting that the “ability to use a restroom without fear or concern for your own safety constitutes” such a privilege, explaining that other factors like the “gender binary,” or the “ability to undoubtedly know which bathroom to pick,” contribute to “pee privilege.”


So, as a matter of “justice,” the school is going to deliberately inject fear and concern into your pee time.

See how that works?


ht/ annie

29 Comments on You Have PEE PRIVILEGE!!!!!!!

  1. I’ve been guarding my womenz in public restrooms since I met my wife. If I don’t think you have the right plumbing urine trouble. You’re waiting outside with me until my wife or daughter are out. Then you can frolic.

  2. You and me both, Uncle Al. At 64 it just ain’t what it used to be when it comes to peeing. Pee privilege my ass and just exactly what does pee privilege mean anyway? Does it mean peeing standing up or squatting? I hate the left they trivialize everything including now how one takes a leak. I guess I must have life privilege since I was born alive. Privilege this and privilege that and soon the word privilege becomes meaningless like every other word the left has redefined.

  3. I may have to try DHEA, the stuff for prostate relief they sell at stores is mostly worthless and the other really expensive stuff that’s advertised heavily on TV and radio is extortion. Free bottle my ass when they get you hooked paying exorbitant prices afterwards, I can’t afford that. Do you know how miserable it is have to pee all the time, that’s why I’m up at 12:30 AM, I had to pee as well as let the dog out since she had to go to.

  4. When my husband takes our six-year-old grandson to pee, he says he wishes he still had that kind of flow, so I guess that cute little white male has pee privilege. And of course, if I try to stand and pee, it’s quite a mess. And although there have been times when I’ve envied men’s ability to pee standing up, I never thought it was a “privilege.” Where is all of this insanity coming from?

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