Don’t try and unravel the leftist mind – you’ll be there forever – IOTW Report

Don’t try and unravel the leftist mind – you’ll be there forever

10 Comments on Don’t try and unravel the leftist mind – you’ll be there forever

  1. I know, right? Faced with the wife last night, 4am her time, love to catch her without makeup.
    Told her this was going to happen, as others have said: If Prez Trump cured cancer, Progs would complain he didn’t do enough for the HIV sufferers.
    Going to call the lib ex today, that should be a hoot.

  2. Unravel the leftist mind? That’s easy.

    Bereft of any understanding of individual rights they see the world like animals see the world and think politics is all about animals fighting for the stuff of the jungle. Principles have no place in their world view because they haven’t discovered principles. They are like wild animals of the jungle: there are only animals fighting over the jungle to them. The wonders of civilization are just things in the jungle to them. It’s their group of animals against another group of animals fighting for the stuff of the jungle.

    Ronald Reagan said there is no such thing as left or right, there is only up or down. I think that’s what he meant. Live fully human or sink down to the level of animals.

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