Baby Breastfeeds Down Under – IOTW Report

Baby Breastfeeds Down Under


An Australian senator made political history on Tuesday by becoming the first woman to breast-feed a baby in the country’s federal parliament.

Larissa Waters, the co-deputy leader of Australia’s Green party, breast-fed her daughter, Alia, in the senate chamber during a vote, according to Sky News. Waters just returned to parliament for the first time after giving birth to Alia, her second daughter, earlier this year.

Waters shared a photo of the historic moment on Twitter, which has received hundreds of retweets and responses.

“So proud that my daughter Alia is the first baby to be breastfed in the federal Parliament! We need more #women parents in Parli,” Waters wrote on Twitter.

Meanwhile, back here in the states, John McCain became the first politician to have his adult diaper changed on the senate floor.

41 Comments on Baby Breastfeeds Down Under

  1. What’s the big deal? I went to a restaurant recently and the kid was screaming. The woman plopped her teat out and the kid was happy. At least the Senator had a blanket to hide the event, the cow at the restaurant didn’t care who saw what.

  2. Oh look at me. Ain’t I the brave woman? Bullshit. Whores breast feed their little off springs in cathouses after returning to,”work.” Between tricks. Sorry ladies but enough is enough for me. What a silly smile she has. Oh is she also a single mother, or does she have some prog husband/ agent at home doing the publicity thing? Fogetaboutit.

  3. So this woman takes the baby to the doctors office. The woman tells the doctor that the baby has been cranky and doesn’t sleep at night. The doctor tells the woman to take her blouse off he wants to check her breasts, After examining the woman’s breast the doctor said “Well no wonder your baby is cranky, you don’t have any milk!” The woman says to the doctor, “I’m the grand mother.”

  4. Women breast feed on buses, ferry boats, sitting on park benches and in restaurants, etc. Hardly anyone ever notices – or should. We’re mammals and we live on this planet, for God sake. If you don’t care to see a mother feeding her child, then don’t watch people eat, either. People need to grow up.

  5. Jimmy It does not have to be done in public. Bottle feeding is not outlawed. Neither is sticking a fucking pacifier in the little pricks mouth until you get home. That’s what Mrs. Moe did. They all lived. They are now 50, 48, and 37, and still breaking my balls.
    Those who breastfeed in public, in restaurants, on busses, etc are just looking for attention. The child will not die if he/she has to wait a while for milk, but if he keep sucking on the tit ’till he’s about eights years old, now that’s a problem.

  6. Moe Tom, mothers and babies have constraints in that department and are not always free to wait for a private space – and most Moms will tell you they do try to wait. Personally, as a father of two, I’ve always felt appreciative that a breast-feeding mother is comfortable enough in her environment – and this society – that she can tend her baby when needed. But then, I love babies – and loved mine. Today they’re in there 30’s and have kids of their own. Feed the kids! Revel in the joy of it all – it doesn’t last long!

  7. Jimmy I know all about Mothers and babies, believe me. Doctor Spock did not influence me in the bringing up of my children. But in all our travels, Mrs. Moe never felt the need to breastfeed our children in public. We are not apes.

  8. From the story…
    “Last year, Waters pushed for changes in the Australian Senate to allow new mothers and fathers to take care of their newborns in parliament, Sky News reported. Children were banned from the chamber under previous rules.

    The Senate and House of Representative both adapted the new rules, making it a “family friendly” parliament in Australia. ”

    So, like a typical prog, this woman was self-serving from the get-go. From another source I read today, she’s pushing to make ALL workplaces “family friendly”. Sorry, but NO. You want to take care of your kid, do it at home, not on my dime and not at my business.

    First, you can’t give 100% of your attention to your job duties – for which I’m paying you – when you’re chasing your screaming kids around my offices.

    Second, the clients are there to do business, not help babysit your kids. Negotiating a contract is much harder when there’s a snot-nosed kid climbing on the boardroom table. Might as well run my business out of a trailer park. This is just tacky.

    Third, there’s a liability problem. Kids will be kids and I guarantee there will be boo boos or worse, especially with all that heavy equipment rolling about. You’ll sue me if they get so much as a paper cut from wallowing in the business’ correspondence with their sticky hands.

    Having kids and a career didn’t suddenly become a new problem and it especially didn’t become MY problem. If onsite daycare is offered as a perk, that’s one thing but if it’s required, the business owner should be allowed to charge for it at the going rate – which means their take home pay is smaller for the same number of hours. Hello discrimination lawsuits.

    If you think there’s a bias against hiring women now, I guarantee there’ll be one if this crap is mandated. An intelligent business owner would think twice about hiring a woman of child-bearing age – maybe even grandma age – if it means being forced to become a nursery/daycare/babysitting service. When the cost of an employee is more than they’re worth, they’re gone. $15 an hour destroys the hiring market for entry-level workers, this kind of thing would destroy it for females.

    And where’s the equivalent perk for men?

  9. Saying this as mom of a 14-year-old boy who I chose to nurse, remains supportive of nursing moms, and understands why women do it in public–no, the little shits *can’t* always wait until they get home, and why should any mother force a hungry infant to cry and stay hungry until they get home? Why should she have to go home to do it if she needs to be out doing whatever–or even just wants to? Especially if newly post partum, women often need to get out of the house (often preferably without the kid, but sometimes not possible to do that). As someone above so wisely stated, we are mammals, that’s what the things are for and it’s not an infant’s fault breasts have been sexualized and people can’t just look away if they’re so damn offended. If women are flashing, then that’s stupid, but if they’re discreet I just don’t see the problem.

    Having said that, there’s an “on the other hand” for this feeding on Parliament floor nonsense.

    I personally don’t give a crap if any woman breastfeeds in public; a baby has to eat and if she chooses to feed it that way, so be it. However, I don’t know ANY workplace that allows women to bring their babies to work and sit there at the desk and breastfeed while they are answering phones, typing up contracts, leading a board meeting. Just because breastfeeding is natural doesn’t mean it’s appropriate to do at work **at the moments when they are meant to be performing their job duties.** If I tried to teach a class and nurse a baby at the same time I’d likely not have a job by the end of the day. If I tried to edit a document while nursing, I’d get nothing done in the time I was nursing. And it has nothing to do with any “yucky” factor: my employers don’t pay me to not work or be distracted while I act like I’m working (whine in the first scenario includes keeping other children safe). So, grool, that’s why. Because taxpayers and employees don’t feel like they should have to pay for yet another entitlement for a choice (breastfeeding v. bottle feeding) that women made on their own volition, and most jobs simply cannot be performed while simultaneously nursing–for productivity as well as safety reasons.

    If a woman is lucky enough to have someone bring their baby to them while she is at work, she nurses on her break and then that someone takes the baby home (or wherever) when break is over (and break for pumping as well I have no objection to), great, but how many women are realistically going to be able to do this? A woman who works at a factory is going to nurse while standing at the conveyer belt? Or does this legislation plan to force companies to pay women to take breaks away from jobs so they can nurse, in addition to their normal shift breaks? And how will women who here work on the North Slope (oil fields at top of Alaska) be able to do this if such legislation were enacted here? Do they plan to force the oil companies to build housing as well? Because employees in Deadhorse are there for several weeks and months at a time in dorm rooms; their families are back in other parts of Alaska and all those parts are far away.

    This is #1 bullshit legislation and #2 for privileged women only, not a surprise given that feminism really only stands for women who can advance its selfish, sexist, biased and elitist agenda.

    Also agree with Phuzzy Logick.

  10. LocoBS, you nailed it.

    The smug part is the rub. In response, those old boy Aussie legislatorss should stand up in unison, scratch their balls, switch sides with their junk, and then sit down with a smug grin like they just farted in Pelosi’s face. Ahhhhhhhh.

  11. Isn’t she supposed to be working? Whipping out your milk cans at work is so unprofessional. So is bringing a squalling infant to your job. She is a grandstanding attention whore.

  12. Breastfeeding was more common than air conditioning when I grew up. I don’t get the outrage.

    If that makes you stare, or feel uncomfortable, I really don’t know what to say.

  13. I wish I could downvote some of you “men”. You sound like you have way more problems than just seeing some silly lady do a political stunt in Australia.
    OTOH, good for some of you guys. You are OK.

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