ABC Leftists Dump Highly Successful LAST MAN STANDING – IOTW Report

ABC Leftists Dump Highly Successful LAST MAN STANDING

This is how the bastard left works.

They put hundreds of people out of work because they do not like the content of a television show. They screw shareholders out of profits because they do not share the same worldview as a CHARACTER IN A SITCOM.

Tim Allen plays a devout Christian who leans right and is generally a nice guy. ABC can’t have that sort of character ruining their broadcasting network. If people end up liking the guy, how are they going to claim he’s a NAZI!!!!!!!!!!

Read more at The Daily Wire.

John Nolte explains how this is even more infuriating than at first blush.

ht/ annie


30 Comments on ABC Leftists Dump Highly Successful LAST MAN STANDING

  1. this is where the d’Rats machinations work … & ours does not
    they organize, they protest … loudly … they flood advertisers w/ boycott … & it works
    we don’t organize, we lamely protest … quietly … & because of this sewage like ABC, CBS, NBC (& it’s children, MSNBC, CNBC, etc.) HBO & CNN still generate tons of revenue … add in AMAZON, FAKEBOOK, TWEETER, etc. & it’s a very powerful entity

    what is really needed is an organized, centralized alternative media
    one that doesn’t & will not ever exist … greed & avarice are too big to have idealism overcome them

    frankly, the closest thing I’ve ever seen that could resemble such an enterprise is right here … honest debate to allow your position to be expressed & defended by yourself without fear of retribution … & not making you enter a password, ‘join’ or ‘register’ in some silly way … I greatly appreciate that

  2. There are two shows my wife likes that I too like. Last Man Standing & Blue Bloods.

    ABC/Disney/ESPN are doubling down on megastupid.
    It will be great fun to watch the rewards they will reap from the spite they are sowing. They (along with the NFL) blew the greatest franchise that could ever fall in their laps: the original, and great, Monday Night Football.

  3. I dont watch network TV, but i made an effort to see this show because of Tim Allen. It was a rehash of Tool Time, but that was OK. i watched it twice. My problem is laugh tracks. I cant stand them. Most of these sit coms would be better without them.

    There is so little quality TV on TV (from what everyone tells me), that to dump a profitable show to spite me? Ha. Fools.

  4. I have very little patience for many TV shows anymore. It seems that anything I like gets cancelled. Comedy nowadays involves lotsa yelling, frantic stupid slapstick chaos and dumb men vs smart women vs their even smarter kids.

    I caught Last Man Standing once in awhile but Mr. Illustr8r is not a fan of Nancy Travis so it was never set for the dvr.

  5. Several, ok many, years ago a show came on for less than a season. It was called “Frank’s Place” I think. Anyway it was as good show. Anybody remember seeing it?

  6. ABC is owned by the Disney-ABC Television Group, a subsidiary of the Disney Media Networks division of The Walt Disney Company.

    If they want to shoot themselves in the foot, I approve. If they want to shoot themselves wherever they keep their wallets, I say “Let the firing continue!”

  7. Joe, Never saw it. LOL.

    Actually I did. It was a great show. Last Man Standing was a throw back to the 90’s. Actual entertainment. It’s all mind numbing reality now boys.

  8. If Fox was producing the show, who owns the rights? If Fox owns the rights what’s to stop them from continuing to produce the show with the same cast and direction and putting into their lineup? If it’s a continued success then maybe Bob Iger gets to answer some sticky questions at the next shareholders meeting. Add this issue to ESPN losing millions and if the right can get organized enough to cancel Disney vacations and Iger will take a bullet (from an employment point of view).

  9. ABC s making room for the revival of the freak fest show, “American Idol”, which they bought from FOX.
    No doubt ABC wants to punishing Trump supporters at the same time, no matter what it costs.

  10. I hope it gets picked up by Netflix, like Longmire was. When I gave up mainstream tv I started watching some wonderful series there from all over the place. Some are excellent quality. And I can binge on Blue Bloods with my 14 year old granddaughter any time. Hopefully Netflix brings us this Tim Allen series and soon.

  11. That socialists are self-destructive should surprise no one.
    Perhaps their excessive greed obscures that tendency.
    We tend to think of self-serving, greedy people more as self-centered and self-promoting than self-hating, but I think they truly loathe themselves and it becomes apparent in the end.
    They hate themselves for their evil, even as they revel in that evil. Just as do faggots and other assorted perverts. Just as does Mephistopheles (at least in the popular fiction).

    That is why ABC, CBS, NBC, and the rest will willfully cut their own throats rather than be associated with facts.

    izlamo delenda est …

    Oh, and somewhat off-topic, but intimately related to the concept of socialism, has anyone noticed a plethora of deer ticks this year?

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