Good Snark Headline- Former KGB Chief Alexandrov Oblast Named New FBI Head – IOTW Report

Good Snark Headline- Former KGB Chief Alexandrov Oblast Named New FBI Head

Nice work by The Plantain. I’m sure there are leftist chitpickles out there that fully expect this Trump appointment.

ht/ wiscodave

10 Comments on Good Snark Headline- Former KGB Chief Alexandrov Oblast Named New FBI Head

  1. In other news…

    Due to Worms in the Head…
    M$ will be telling you to update their spyware. Apple too.

    They say baby squirrels will die if you don’t.

    Sit Ubu, Sit.
    That’s the condition-ing.
    Jump, Ubu, Jump.

  2. The same leftist chitpickles that celebrated high gubermint officials who actually were
    a) muslim converts, b) CPUSA members, c) proteges of US anarchist bombers, d) CAIR members …

  3. Does this mean they WILL press charges against the Hildabeast?

    Yeah, that’ll happen just after we meaningfull tax reform and spending cuts, and a free market-based reform of health care and health insurance.

    And after Hell freezes over.

  4. FTA: “The Plantain has learned from highly questionable sources we made up”
    These are the very same sources for two thirds of the New York Times articles on President Trump, and 80% of the Washington Post’s.

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