Trump Causes the Left To Melt Down After He Tweets One Word and Then Deletes It – IOTW Report

Trump Causes the Left To Melt Down After He Tweets One Word and Then Deletes It

He’s in their heads.

31 Comments on Trump Causes the Left To Melt Down After He Tweets One Word and Then Deletes It

  1. Did anyone read about the press being po’d because PDT was served 2 scoups of ice cream and the press only got one scoup with their chocolate pie? Can’t remember where I read it, but that had me cracking up.

  2. MSN headlines states Trumps Whitehouse trying to contain Comey damage. The left is going crazy. Although I’m surprised he didn’t just type “We the People…” and leave it up. The ER’s all over the country would be overflowing with liberal stroke victims.

  3. Psych wards better hire more staff. The left shows no sign of getting over Trump’s election, and their delusions are growing more intense each day he’s in office.

  4. I just hope these dip feces continue to underestimate him so he can keep on showing the rest of us how to “fish” properly for sucking bottom feeders and we can continue our near hysterical laughter…

  5. Don’t you just love the sounds of Spring? Trump Spring; you can hear MSM and libtard heads popping out, all over.

    Obama talked about WHACK-A-MOLE all of the time. I like WHACK-A-MSM/LIB a lot better.

  6. And at the luncheon, besides the catsup, he should tell the press to take little bites and not eat like the Gov of Ohio, whom he soundly defeated, or Rosie O’Donut.

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