Radical Feminist Website Says It’s About To Shut Down, Admits No One Cares – IOTW Report

Radical Feminist Website Says It’s About To Shut Down, Admits No One Cares


The founders of a radical feminist website dedicated to social justice causes have announced that the site may be forced to shut down by the end of this month unless it receives a massive, immediate cash infusion.

The five-year-old website, Everyday Feminism, has created an “Emergency May Booster Fund” to fend off “scary financial trouble that’s threatening to put a halt to our work — maybe even as soon as the end of May.”

America “shouldn’t have to live in a world without independent feminist media” or “an [sic] unique, educational, inside-out approach to fighting everyday oppression,” the plea for funds urges.

“It’s quite a challenge, to say the least, to create independent, intersectional feminist media in a financially sustainable way, especially in a world that doesn’t value what we do,” the cash solicitation also says.

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15 Comments on Radical Feminist Website Says It’s About To Shut Down, Admits No One Cares

  1. I’m a feminostic….I believe they just hate men and use “feminism” as a way to pick up chicks….chicks they hope aren’t as homely and or fat as they are.

  2. After reading the quote “America “shouldn’t have to live in a world without independent feminist media” or “an [sic] unique, educational, inside-out approach to fighting everyday oppression,” the plea for funds urges.”, I wanted to see if there was anything about the oppression by Islamists.

    So I find quotes like that one would expect to find from a regressive liberal-marxist-guilt-ridden website that does not really care about women’s rights, only political ideology.

    “You’re not unsympathetic for losing patience with male tears and white guilt.”

    “You’re not bossy for demanding the same amount of attention a white man would get.”

    “You’re not out of touch with reality for affirming that there are more than two genders.”

    “You’re not bullheaded for refusing to “see the other side” when the other side is oppressive.”

    “You’re not judgmental for judging people based on how they treat others.”

    Then a search for Islam pulls up these whoppers of article titles:

    “Why Islam and Feminism have more in common than you think.”

    “Why the idea that Islam Promotes Intolerance of the LGBTQIA community is a lie.”

    So like Err America, another left wing propaganda outlet ready to bite the dust.

  3. Being the generally nosy person I am, I went to their fundraising website and gleaned these little nuggets: “…we’re a bootstrapped independent media organization comprised primarily of queer people of color…” “In the first months of 2017, we experienced a more severe drop in ad rates than expected.” “We raised our fundraising goal from $20,000 to $50,000 based on how much money was raised in the first week alone.” “Shutting down now? Not at a time when unapologetic white supremacists are in power.”

  4. Their viewpoints on islam alone are enough to discredit them. Add on that women are not systematically oppressed in the West and they a pile of horse excrement.

  5. Now I’ve got the sads … NOT!

    Their FemiNazi “movement” turned out to be nothing but gas …

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Go to the story and there’s a few links. One is to the “OtherMcCain” site. I know he’s a bit of a dick but he’s got a great story complete with twitter messages from this sinking ship. Anyway, it’s fun to watch something like this racist, violence promoting piece of crap go down the toilet.

  7. Seems like Soros would help, doesn’t it? But he might be putting a lot of $$ into a defense fund for the doctors here in the Detroit area…the ones who help out little girls.

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