I’m Calling For All Reasonable To Divorce Themselves From Homicidal Leftist Thinking – IOTW Report

I’m Calling For All Reasonable To Divorce Themselves From Homicidal Leftist Thinking

Woman, 70, Says Migrants Defecate In Streets, Set Cars on Fire.

Cops Charge Her With Hate Crime.

This didn’t happen in America, but it matters little.

The world over, the left believes that the truth is a hate crime.

They leverage power and punish and jail free-thinking people for making observations of fact.

This needs to be eradicated before the jailing for the truth reaches our shores. Had Hillary gotten SCOTUS picks I am sure we would be looking down the barrel of the totalitarian gun.

One very efficient, clean and quick way for this eradication to begin taking place is for reasonable people who find themselves aligned with leftists, for intellectually lazy reasons, to begin thinking rationally.

If you’re on the left just for the sport of it,  stop it. Your team is dangerous.

If you’re on the left out of tradition and believe your side is righteous, please investigate the left’s positions more fully and see if they align with your own.

I know lots of people who define themselves as democrats and when I quiz them issue by issue it turns out they are actually right-wing.

This is a phenomena is almost exclusively found amongst the left. Very rarely does a right-wing person not know what the right stands for and how their views fit nicely into that area on the political spectrum.

Not so of casual legacy democrats who are seemingly unaware of the dangerous policies that their party pushes.

This has to stop.


9 Comments on I’m Calling For All Reasonable To Divorce Themselves From Homicidal Leftist Thinking

  1. DING, DING, DING!! We have a winner!! SPOT ON!!! Wow no wonder she was arrested. The thought police can’t ignore her crimes and high treasonous schrill. She is a true patriot to the freedom cause, even if it didn’t happen in America.

  2. I posted this on fb earlier with the observation that is reads like something out of Tom Kratman’s “Caliphate”, the early years.

    I’m dead serious, and it’s a deadly serious topic.

  3. Good luck trying to stop it in Europe. That won’t happen. Our Constitution needs to be upheld. If Trump can get one more conservative justice appointed to the Supreme Court, and accomplishes nothing else, his presidency will still be a huge success.

  4. BB, anymore on the Court to uphold the Constitution (who is up for retirement?).
    Apparently, Sweden has criminalized speech to the tune of a two year jail sentence. For one offense.

  5. We have the First Amendment, Eurabians have Von Rumpuyians living in their tele screens. They’re done.

    We also have the Second Amendment. When it’s time to bury your rifles, when it’s time to “register” your guns (Connecticut), it’s time to dig them up and use them. The Left is already doing that, the left started a shooting war July 7, 2016 at El Centro College, Dallas. They’ll use whatever surrogates they can find, nuts, Musloids, black supremacists, trannies, college kids, and finally, the Alphabets.

    We are not two-bit Eurabian camel-show hosebags. We are not Connecticut Cunts. We will not be dispossessed of our homes, our freedoms.

    Enforce both Amendments and rest easy. Let them see the light, if they don’t, let them feel the heat.

  6. When it comes to such an affront to freedom, it puts me in the frame of mind where I am in complete alignment: “The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted.”
    It’s a grim assessment for a grim transgression.

  7. Yea we need to replace one of the liberal justices. I’m thinking John Roberts – the guy who upheld Obamacare and thereby screwed our entire healthcare system

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