Germany is seizing private property to hand over to Muslims migrants – IOTW Report

Germany is seizing private property to hand over to Muslims migrants

Properties that are privately owned, but vacant, are being seized by the German government, renovated, the bill being given to the owner, and Muslims are being placed in the property.

Can a civil war be far behind?

Do the Germans have the stones to stage a coup?

Stay tuned.

Could the American government get away with this?



25 Comments on Germany is seizing private property to hand over to Muslims migrants

  1. Should be interesting. I just read an article last week that was describing a huge percentage of Germany’s military identify as Neo Nazis. Will this be enough to push them in action. Probably not.

  2. The german people are too afraid of being compared to the WWII era nazis to do anything to defend themselves. Hell, damn near all of Europe is going to end up sticking their asses into the air 5 times a day to let the faithful pork them.

    If Hillary had won, she would already be shipping the muslims here in the millions to help the leftards disarm us so they can have a turn at us too.

  3. Weird. You’ve got an ad at the top and on both sides of this article “Meet Muslim Singles. Premium Service Designed Specifically for Muslims. Over 4.5 Million Members. Join Now”
    And when I clicked on “Story” I got redirected to that site.

  4. Germany has also been evicting lower income Germans and giving their apartments to migrants The government of Sweden was forcing wealthy 2nd home owners to lease their homes to immigrants. They’ve also encouraged Swedes to let migrants live in their garages. I’d love to see what the place looks like after a nice Muslim immigrant family inhabits it for year.

  5. Germany is lost! If I had vacant property in Germany I would bring in homeless people or a herd of pigs to keep this from happening. Outrageous!

  6. Some Gubberment entity come along and try to seize my property, vacant or not, they’d find themselves with a handful of nothing. I would rather poison, raze, and destroy my property to the ground.

  7. @Bad_Brad; I suspect that the term Neo-Nazi is now being used to describe conservatives in order to drum up viewership for tv “documentaries” and to denigrate conservatives in general. I doubt that the majority of German armed forces are “neo-nazis” but I would hope for the sake of Germany that they are real conservatives because then there is hope for that country.

  8. Germans are used to taking it up the ass.
    They allowed Hitler and the Party to do it after allowing the Kaiser complete access to their rectums (recti?).
    So they’ll just bend over for the ragheads and hope that they prefer the women and children … and goats …

    They were toast when they elected Merkel.

    izlamo delenda est …

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