Jihad in Denmark – IOTW Report

Jihad in Denmark

The Danish Minister of Justice Søren Pape hopes to solve the issue by prosecuting an imam.
But Muslims in Denmark have the nasty trait of coming up with the same response when one of their own are charged with or accused of a crime.
He didn’t mean it, he was misunderstood… In other words, he’s a Dindu Nafeen.

Story here

5 Comments on Jihad in Denmark

  1. I don’t know- I am German- I was born in Amberg- My stepfather was in the S.S and I am sorry for what happened to the Jews back then but I wasn’t there. So don’t blame me. But I think what WE did back then just may be the only cure for what plagues Europe today with the muzzie;s Round them up= tag them and then ship them off to a camp. wouldn’t bother me one bit…..

  2. They’re Just pissed off 100 % of the time…WTF is with that,did Allah or shoud we call him Noneah tell them happines is forbidden.
    Are Mooslums just F^%*_*^$G angry they got the shittiest piece of Real Estate on Earth ?

  3. @just pass’n thru May 15, 2017 at 5:27 pm

    You omitted a bit of history. Well before they shipped off the civilians they didn’t want loose in the streets, they collected the government officials that opposed them. And didn’t bother shipping them off to some camp.

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