Trump is Given Saber – Homeland Secretary Kelly Suggests a Use For it – IOTW Report

Trump is Given Saber – Homeland Secretary Kelly Suggests a Use For it

John Kelly says to use it on the press.

11 Comments on Trump is Given Saber – Homeland Secretary Kelly Suggests a Use For it

  1. I watched the livestream today. The ebullient cheers and roars of enthusiasm were amazing. All the work to dispirit us, and still we the people are solidly behing him. I admit, it made cry a bit.

  2. There should be rallies to support the President all across the country. At least one every two or three weeks to counter all the male bovine droppings that are on the airwaves.

  3. Jethro, to expand on that, those that can’t easily get to DC should see if we can’t organize or participate in something in our home states. Especially those that are open carry states. It could be a President Trump, MAGA, Drain the Swamp, 2nd amendment, rally all in one. Even liberal Washington is open carry. I’m not big on rallies or protests but that would interest me.

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