CNN Anchor Goes Wayyyyyy Overboard In Response To Hearing a “Triggering Word” – IOTW Report

CNN Anchor Goes Wayyyyyy Overboard In Response To Hearing a “Triggering Word”

The dolt is tearing up, in visible anguish, sighing and crying after hearing a guest – a comrade- say nigger on the show. (I never use the word, that’s my personal choice. But when it’s literally the point of the news story it won’t be censored. Are we adults?)

The man was claiming that Jeff Sessions said it and was asking a black Trump supporting guest how he feels about Sessions saying it.

The woman jumped in and acted as if there was a baby rape performed live on the set.

It’s not like she’s never heard the word before. It’s said alllllllllllllll day long by black people. Does that tear her up?

ht/ petrus

Louis CK talked about the white lady CNN anchor and the “n word” years ago —> Bad language warning:

32 Comments on CNN Anchor Goes Wayyyyyy Overboard In Response To Hearing a “Triggering Word”

  1. CNN says whatever it wants to promote its own liberal agenda, and theqn hides behind the First Amendment. But don’t you dare use the “N word” even if quoting someone else and sympathizing with CNN’s own liberal bent – that kind of thought crime must be punished.

    Unfortunately, CNN didn’t broadcast security goose-stepping the offender from the premises.

  2. “You can’t argue with an idiot. He’ll lower you to his level and beat you with experience.” Don’t let your babies watch CNN.

    So-called ‘journalists’ are dishonest, they don’t respect the First Amendment, they are un-American.
    The Swamp™ is ginormous.

  3. I really respect you but, I’m highly trained to respond to the trigger words with extreme drama so excuse me while I kick, scream and make an ass of myself for higher ratings.

  4. 1. Furious indignant virtue signaling from Girl Anchor, who is parroting verbatim whatever directions her Girl Producer is screeching at her through her earbud.
    2. CNN is now officially striving to be The All Girl Estrogen Hysteria Channel.
    3. The Lefty hypocrisy about the “N Word”–what are we, Kindergarteners? All about language control as preconditioning for thought control.
    Once you teach the sheeple there are “forbidden words” they are ready for the next step: “forbidden thoughts”.
    4. Promoting its use by blacks, while making it a crime when uttered by whites, is an important step in conditioning young whites, especially white males, to accept a subservient inferior-race status. That’s essential for the planned Wealth Redistribution Reparations, Reproduction Restrictions, and eventual White Population Reductions/”Rebalancing” in both UN Agenda 21 and academic Critical Race Theory and its offshoot BLM.

    Good post BFH.

  5. That was hilarious! I’ve never heard him before. But he’s funny as heck.

    As far as CNN goes, I said it last night in another thread. They’ve hired all these uneducated pretty, mean girls who act like they’re auditioning for the View.

    They’re annoying as hell.

  6. These people would take their clothes off to get noticed by anyone. Right now they (except for a few who did take their clothes off) just do practiced drama. Kind of like the screamers on YouTube.

  7. On top of that, the offender was supposedly quoting Jeff Sessions who was able to dismantle the KKK in Alabama. So I tear up hearing that wussy assed liberal lie (but then they always do).

  8. She is a fraud and a hypocrite. Chances are she drives past weekly, if not daily, a public school named in honor of Woodrow Wilson and has never uttered a word or shed a single tear.

    “The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation—until at last there had sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country.”

    “Segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen.”

    Speaking to protesters of segregated battalions, Wilson’s patronizing words reflect the progressive mentality that government must tell the people how to regard the issues. The protest of the people is just loud ignorance. The military wasn’t desegregated until 1948. Certainly, Wilson set equality back during his presidency and earlier accomplishments for desegregation might have been made if it weren’t for Wilson’s championing it as a benefit to be cherished.

    “[Reconstruction government was detested] not because the Republican Party was dreaded but because the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded.”

    “Off by themselves with only a white supervisor, blacks would not be forced out of their jobs by energetic white employees.”

    “The whole temper and tradition of the place [Princeton] are such that no Negro has ever applied for admission, and it seems unlikely that the question will ever assume practical form.”

    As President of Princeton, long before he became President of the United States, Wilson actively discouraged black people from applying to the University.

    “Any man who carries a hyphen about with him carries a dagger that he is ready to plunge into the vitals of this Republic whenever he gets ready.”

    Distrust of anyone not originally from the US was encouraged by this progressive icon.

    “In the matter of Chinese and Japanese coolie immigration, I stand for the national policy of exclusion. We cannot make a homogenous population out of people who do not blend with the Caucasian race… Oriental Coolieism will give us another race problem to solve and surely we have had our lesson.”

    Wilson’s racism extended not only to a perceived “race problem” in the US, but the potential of more of them by the immigration of Asians.

    “Now came multitudes of men of the lowest class from the south of Italy, and men of the meaner sort out of Hungary and Poland, men out of the ranks, where there was neither skill nor energy nor any initiative of quick intelligence, and they came in numbers which increased from year to year, as if the countries of the south of Europe were disburdening themselves of the more sordid and hapless elements of their population.”

    Wilson’s words attacked the core of our founding principles. Of course the Constitution must change as a living document for Wilson, because in his assessment the constitution was wrong.

  9. I recall reading that Wilson was the last 20ieth Century President to have been alive during the War Of Northern Aggression.
    As a young boy Wilson’s mother carried him out to the balcony in Stanton Virginia to cheer General Robert E Lee as he rode by at the head of Virginia volunteers to defend the state against Lincoln’s invaders.

  10. Poor slob grew up in a bubble, cell phone, computer, liberal college, twitter, face book. She should do a ride along with the police in Chicago, the bad sections.

  11. Niger-a country in WC Africa-north of Nigeria-(WC-west coast)
    Niggard- a stingy person-miser.
    don’t know when the spelling changed to nigger-but hey, there are some stupid white trash that could be classified as the same. but as I can remember the word back in my day–a long time ago-meant a black person that was worthless– oh well, I don’t use the word but I have other words that fit the bill when needed. Don’t call me a honky-don’t call me a gringo- and I wont call you a wet back- or nigger- or a spic- or a greaser- or a stupid person………… unless you deserve it… 🙂

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