Leftwing University Publishes Paper on Media Negativity Towards Trump – Even They Admit It’s Horrendous – IOTW Report

Leftwing University Publishes Paper on Media Negativity Towards Trump – Even They Admit It’s Horrendous

How bad is the bias against Trump when Harvard steps in and admits the level of pig-piling on our president is unprecedented for the last three decades?

Heat Street-

A major new study out of Harvard University has revealed the true extent of the mainstream media’s bias against Donald Trump.

They found that the tone of some outlets was negative in as many as 98% of reports, significantly more hostile than the first 100 days of the three previous administrations.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that his treatment by the media is unprecedented in its hostility.

This study suggests that, at least when it comes to recent history, he’s right.


I think the bias and the vitriol and venom is much worse than what’s indicated in this study.

Calling the president unfit for command, a crook, a psychopath, a conspirator, an idiot, a sexual predator, a Nazi, a fascist, a dictator, a liar and every horrible charge you can think of falls under the same umbrella of negativity as the press saying “Obama plays too much golf.”

“It’s too soon for Obama to win the Nobel prize” is “negative press.”

13 Comments on Leftwing University Publishes Paper on Media Negativity Towards Trump – Even They Admit It’s Horrendous

  1. Make no mistake, this is the Left gloating at its successful groupthink shaping.

    It’s also scared, since to release the gloatage, it feels its current coup d’etat is not working. It needed to rally its Bolsheviks.

  2. No wonder so many progtards are poor. Their gamesmanship here against Trump is really poor. They’re like some kind on a prom date who jizzes in his pants because he got the stupid idea in his head that he was certain to get laid any minute. They’re morons with really poor self-control and intellectual clarity. They’ve got jack shit on Trump, and, unless all of DC is ready to go full on Stalinist, their impeachment machinations won’t amount to a goddamn thing, except maybe getting Trump re-elected by a wider margin.

  3. “It’s also scared, since to release the gloatage, it feels its current coup d’etat is not working. It needed to rally its Bolsheviks.”
    Rush just played Elijah Cummings pleading with the MSM to get the goods on Trump as soon as possible, and he was hoping that Trump or somebody, anybody Trump- related, could be tripped up with a process crime, please please please. No swagger at all.

  4. The MSM are slitting their own wrist and bleeding out in front of the whole world because of their hatred of the man they weren’t poising to be the POTUS. public suicide! no more credibility for you! what a bunch of losers!

  5. The numbers tell a true story, Obummer or any President with that much positive promotion could become a Dictator. This is really Unhealthy for any society.

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