HIDING SOMETHING? Socialist Bernie Sanders Neglects to Submit Financial Records – IOTW Report

HIDING SOMETHING? Socialist Bernie Sanders Neglects to Submit Financial Records

Louder with Crowder:

Bernie Sanders, our dear friend of hypocrisy, is again under fire for his questionable financial dealings (see Bernie Sanders Finally Releases 2014 Tax Return. Yep, He’s Stingy! and Bernie Ends His Socialist Campaign… By Buying Expensive Third House!). The wealthy, wheezy, and wrinkly Bernie Sanders neglected to submit his Senate Ethics Financial Disclosure. Again.

Valley News reports:

Washington — U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., missed the May 15 deadline to submit documents detailing his finances during 2016, the latest move from a politician who has shown an aversion to sharing personal financial information.

Meanwhile, Vermont’s other senator, Democrat Patrick Leahy, filed his report on time.

All U.S. senators are required to file annual reports with the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics, detailing their assets, liabilities and investments, as well as gifts and travel provided by private entities.  MORE

12 Comments on HIDING SOMETHING? Socialist Bernie Sanders Neglects to Submit Financial Records

  1. When Trump said he’d pay the legal fees of rally attendees who “engage” protestors, he was offering to do so with his own money.

    Meanwhile, Sanders offered to pay everyone’s college tuition with YOUR money. What’s this humble and generous man hiding?

  2. OKKK Get this. I was watching local news for the weather report and an advertisement came on for A ok Perriello where he was embracing the beloved Barack Obama and his website embraces Bernie the socialist.

    Apparently there is s primary squabble for governor of Virginia between the abhorrent Lt Gov Ralph Northampton and the detestable Tom Perriello.

    Well howdy. Unfortunately the republicans have winnowed down the field to the unimpressive perennial loser and RINO extraordinaire Dead Gillespie.

    I think it’s time for a new state.

  3. This didn’t get much coverage during the primaries. Candidates hire media placement organizations to buy ad time. You have to be pretty knowledgeable about your demo, the shows and the cost/benefit analysis in buying time. You also have to be a savvy negotiator. Best practice is to hire an established media buying firm that can use their clout buying ads for major advertisers to get the best deals.

    Sanders hired 2 women who were friends of his wife who operated out of the home of one of the women. They had no experience in buying ad time and didn’t negotiate.

    The buying firm’s commission is 15% of the ad buy.

    See how cheap, socialist Sanders was able to afford the 3rd house with a private beach and $175,000 sports car?

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