Trump Gets King’s Treatment in Saudi Arabia – IOTW Report

Trump Gets King’s Treatment in Saudi Arabia

They love him, they really love him.

They must. Everyone is holding a sword and he walked through the gauntlet unscathed.

15 Comments on Trump Gets King’s Treatment in Saudi Arabia

  1. Psalm 23 came to mind “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil,…”

    Also, I watched the clip thinking “Please don’t dance, Mr. President!” LOL

  2. They looked genuinely happy and honored to have him visit. Love it how Pres Trump gets into the music and bobs his head to the beat a little. A compliment to the musicians.

  3. He took out close to a 3rd of Assad’s air force without declaring any “red lines” that had to be crossed first. That got the attention of a lot of people abroad.

  4. The Saudis are hurting financially, thanks to our fracking in the US and our new Keystone pipeline (THANKS, PRES. TRUMP!) They are scared sh*tless of a nuclear Iran, thanks to Obama (so I guess that’s the silver lining to Obama’s treasonous deal with Iran). For the first time in a long time, the Saudis need us more than we need them. Trump know it and they know it. And it’s GREAT.

  5. After that POS bottom feeder Obama, even Elmer Fudd would be treated like royalty in any country. But they know Trump is definitely no Elmer Fudd. He’s a sharp tack.

  6. The major award he rec’d was pretty impressive. And I loved watching Wilburine Ross and T-Rex Tillerson linking elbows with their hosts and wielding the swords. Ross was a hoot.

    Melania and Ivanka looked amazing, as usual.

    Excellent press conference w/Tillerson and the Saudi Minister of Something (I forget). But really good.

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