Turkey Demands Investigation of Embassy Grounds Violence – IOTW Report

Turkey Demands Investigation of Embassy Grounds Violence

I’m going to conduct my own investigation. Here is the result-

Turkey got a little too Turkish in America and beat the shiite out of peaceful demonstrators who were vocally opposing Erdogan. Americans have the 1st amendment to protect them. Turkey is a backwater nation and they stomp voices they do not agree with, much like the left here in America. Another trait the left shares with Turkey is the audacity to turn the entire incident around.

As you’ll see below, Turkey is audaciously saying what needs investigating was the aggression against Turkish bodyguards, completely ignoring that they ran across the street and started punching and kicking the demonstrators.

This is why I don’t not watch FIFA. I’ve had my fill of watching grown men in short shorts binging another dude in the eyes with forked fingers and then hitting the deck writhing in pain holding his own eyes.

After my personal investigation, my recommendation is to eradicate the left. (To be fair, that is the result of any of my investigations.)


Turkey says it has summoned to the U.S. ambassador in Ankara to protest what it called “aggressive and unprofessional actions” by U.S. personnel against Turkish bodyguards in Washington during President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit last week.

The move Monday appears to be in retaliation to calls in the United States for strong action against the Turkish security officers who were seen hitting and kicking protesters outside the Turkish ambassador’s residence in Washington during Erdogan’s visit.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said the U.S. ambassador was given a “written and verbal protest” against actions that is said were “contrary to diplomatic rules and practices.”

It said it had requested that the U.S. authorities conduct “a full investigation of this diplomatic incident.”


7 Comments on Turkey Demands Investigation of Embassy Grounds Violence

  1. “The Turkish Foreign Ministry said the U.S. ambassador was given a “written and verbal protest …””

    A written protest IS a verbal protest, you stupid fucking English-illiterate Turk cocksuckers. In a fit of pique the Turks should all kill themselves – that would show Pres. Trump that they are serious.

    Otherwise … meh …

    izlamo delenda est …

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