Site Notes- Update – IOTW Report

Site Notes- Update

Last week I discussed in a post our decision to cut off a portion of our monetization because it was aversely effecting about 10% of our readers. (Why an ad will go rogue for some people and not others is still a mystery.) There really isn’t a replacement out there that won’t do the same for a different group of readers. So we decided to stop beating our heads against the wall. (I personally contact anyone with any issue, it’s the way I like to do things. And this was taking up a major portion of the day.)

In the post I mentioned that there are many industry factors, as well as filters used by readers, that are putting us on a course that will eventually lead us to a crossroad. At that juncture we’d have to make a decision. We never want to reach that crossroad.

That post awakened something in the readers and the response was like something out of It’s a Wonderful Life. It restored our faith in what we do here – there are many, many people protective of what we provide, enjoying our point of view, and consider it invaluable in terms of their daily routine.

It’s quite a community, and we’re proud of what we’ve built, despite Obama telling us that we had all sorts of socialist help.

This is a very long thank you and a long way to get to the main point.

There were many emails and comments on the thread that indicated that people would like an option to set up a monthly contribution. I’ve found a way to include that option and added it to the side bar on the right under the original donation icon.

The original icon would be for one-time donations. The “subscribe” button below it would be for the recurring monthly contribution option.

Thank you for that idea and thank you for anyone that participates. Donations are definitely an inspirational force that makes us want to live up to, and exceed, the expectations of the patrons.






73 Comments on Site Notes- Update

  1. As someone mentioned, the option for a monthly payment may have been on the original link for those who are set up as a business on Pay Pal — which is the case for me.

    Glad so many people are getting on board.

  2. Thanks for blocking the two black dudes kissing ad, which first appeared today. Sweet mother of pearl!

    This is a fine crowd of patriots that has been assembled here.

  3. Too many conservative sites are going members only. I don’t want to lose my job because somebody found out I view conservative sites. Remember what happened to the Prop 8 supporters out in California? So, I’ll take the ads, even the one that screams at me about how my computer has been infected with a virus, and makes me restart my computer to get rid of it.

  4. Don’t let the “subscribe” button fool you.
    This isn’t a members only, or even a subscription.

    Paypal doesn’t let you use a recurring “donation” button unless you are a non-profit.

    This is just a work-around to defeat their set parameters.
    The “subscribe” is just a donation that is made automatically each month. No more, no less.

  5. Thanks for this, BFH. Monthly donation forthcoming, when the date they lock me into makes sense. I sorta knew I’d have to make myself a business on Paypal, so I waited for an easy solution, being the lazy underacheiver I am.

    Can’t think of a more worthy group to support.

  6. OK gang. I am announcing an unofficial gathering of an unsantioned, informal gathering of the IOTW fan club.
    It would be nice to meet up for friendly conversation with like minded folks, so somebody has to pick a time and place and that somebody would be me.

    Saturday September 9 at 6pm at Harry’s Seafood Grille in St Augustine FL. There will be no speechifying and everyone is on their own regarding transportation, lodging and all that. I will buy the first round of drinks, however. I’ll be traveling from Virginia and have already secured accommodations.

    As for those further afield, perhaps someone could organize more regional get togethers. That’s up to you.

    Like I said, this is a fan club non event not formally sanctioned by this website.
    Any takers?

  7. Even with all the protection I have on my computer, I used to get pop-ups and scareware from this site until I switched from I.E. to FireFox…problem solved!

  8. PHenry: Not a bad idea, but St. Augustine is geographically about as far away you could get from me and still be in the continental U.S. Maybe Brad and I could get together for a beer in Redding CA.

  9. @BFH – Nuts and bolts question: How convenient or inconvenient is it for you to receive paper checks via USPS? I don’t do PayPal. I’ve got my reasons but this isn’t the thread to talk about that. However, my own bank makes it pretty easy to set up a recurring payment that’s sent out by male snail (the female snails lick the envelopes). If this is inconvenient please say so. I promise it won’t make any difference except I’ll find some other way that’s convenient for both of us.

    (I’m posting this rather than emailing as I figure it may be useful info for others.)

  10. Cough up. Whatever is in your change jar. It’s easy. PayPal, snail mail, whatever. And, no I’m not being paid to post this. Just love this site and want it to continue. Like Patriot Retort.

  11. I have done became subscribified!
    To participatiate in the crebellumnistic occupations that this site providifies doth hath tempted me to enterize into a dollaristically allignificatious accountistication with this ‘Pal’ who apparently ‘pays’
    Prolly going to hell, but I did it anyway.

  12. Doc,
    Using Firefox to view IOTW Report! Oh, the delicious irony! The CEO of its parent company Mozilla was fired because he gave in support of Prop 8!

    I’d give money to IOTW Report, but I’m afraid hackers might find out, publish my name and address, and have people key my car, protest at my house or my work, or get fired. Just like the folks who gave in support of Prop 8.

  13. @TonyR. I recognize the geography issue. Organize a regional fan club of your own. Pixelate yourselves but send pictures. We’re all on the witness relocation program.

  14. I personally have no issue with the ads showing hot girls in skimpy clothing. Well as long as the Mrs is not around to see why I haven’t been scrolling down the page!

    Great analogy to “It’s A Wonderful Life”. Just like Soros is to Potter! Glad to see the outpouring of support, it is well deserved!

  15. @PHenry Sounds like a fantastic idea. Won’t be able to make it to FL, but how about another gathering the same night in Northern Illinois or Southern Wisconsin? Maybe someone can Skype? Could be a hoot!

  16. I signed up for a subscription. What do I get? A keychain? Can opener? 🤣

    @PHenry, I soooo wish I could go! I like Romanas idea of Skype. How about FaceTime?

    I’m up for becoming a pen pal if anyone is interested. Miss writing and receiving real letters.

  17. Fur, thanks for tweaking the PayPal options.
    I’m glad to support IOTW.

    I understand ads are necessary and I’m fine with that. But I must be among the unpredictable % who encounter ads that seize my screen, close IOTW completely, and drag my browser away, often to the Apple App Store download page for some paid game app. The process deactivates my Back button/arrow and also makes it impossible to reopen IOTW without manually closing Safari, and/or manually turning the phone completely off and then restarting it. Even then, as soon as I tap the IOTW home screen bookmark, the same ad reappears, seizes the screen again, and I’m back in the Apple Store again.
    Groundhog Day can repeat several times before I can actually open and read IOTW.
    Not every visit, but when it happens it’s persistent.

    It’s possible this is not even an IOTW ad issue, but some other layer of Web malware unrelated to IOTW. I’ve had similar problems recently with Breitbart and Weasel Zippers, as others have commented.

    I’m on an iPhone 6+ running latest IOS and Safari. I’ve got ad blockers but this issue evades them all. Just FYI.

    Love the meetup idea. Washington DC would be fun.

  18. Thanks Fur. I’ve decided to sell my business and move to FL. We’re also sick of the snow. I have no idea what I’m going to do for income so I won’t be able to contribute until I find a job. Anybody know of anybody in the Sarasota area hiring?

  19. Paypal stpped working for me BFH months ago. I’ll send checks even though it is probably a hassle for you.

    As for the ads…..Marsha Brady is now a hag? Say it aint so!

  20. A get-together? Damn, I can’t even get AWD to go sailing with me at our own local lake even after he said he’d like to go sailing. Unless there’s one in Dallas, I wo


    I’m hoping $25 a month will make up for my freeloading. Very glad to see the subscription available, way to go, Fur.


    BFH – I emailed you this morn regarding your courtesy phone pick up post.

  21. Oops, hit post too soon. Unless there’s one in Dallas, I won’t be able to make an out-of-state get together. I haven’t gotten a whole weekend off since last February.

  22. Ace-of-Spades is the worst. I use my phone here sometimes when I’m out and also at Ace. But only Ace has weird malware type stuff going on trying make me buy something or telling me my phone is now infected.

    This is why my phone does not know my credit cards or my real email. I made a new email just for Apple. I’m stupid enough about computer stuff to not trust them at all.

    At least Fur gets ad money when I use my phone. Whatever that’s worth.

  23. I’ll leave the plantation in risk of a technical point to be made. The so called filters by readers are not filters for the most part, if you are referring to ad blockers. As a website, you serve requests. If the reader does not make a request for an object, you can not accuse them of filtering. Filtering is fulfilling the request and parsing it, either as a human or a robot. Filtering is the same thing as deciding not to look at an ad that’s on the page already.

  24. I have a thing with Pay Pal. I give IOTW 7.50 a month because of my love for IOTW, so I wanted to up it to an even Ten.
    So even thought they have all my information from a few years back, they want to make sure I am not a robot, or a an Alien from Mars, so they ask me to confirm my Email address. Which I do. My password? Fuck, I don’t remember. Please create a new password. Which I do. For security seasons, they said, What is the nick name of your first son? I said Dick. They said that does not jive with what we have on file So I said how about Prick? No that was not on file either. So they asked me for a new password, so I gave them 888888888888888888888888, “why don’t you go fuck yourselves,” They said it was too long and I had to reduce it to at least nine letters so I did *********, kissmyass. So, the bottom line is BFH, you ain’t getting a raise through these assholes.

  25. @Navigator – I’m in Sarasota County. I’m retired so I don’t seek out employment stuff but some seeps in anyway. What kind of work are you looking for? There are two local manufacturing companies (Tervis Tumbler and PGT who makes good windows) who have been growing and hiring. I know there’s more here, but any Big Buxx stuff is off my own radar.

  26. Rufus,
    You shouldn’t be getting a thing on the mobile that would interact with you.
    That was part of the purge.
    If anyone is still getting an experience like that you should send me a screenshot so we can investigate.

  27. Doc,
    The 5 buck a month is my favorite option!

    If everyone in the core “subscribed” for 5 bucks a month, we’d have ZERO ADS.
    (Accept the click-baity ones with the boobies. Those are for me.)

  28. A note about checks.
    The bank doesn’t recognize BigFurHat as an actual human being, even though it is my ACTUAL NAME. I was born Bigfur Hat, from the Newport Hats. We go way back.. to the Mayflower. (Not the boat.. the moving company.)

  29. Nav.
    Good luck, and if there is anything I can do to help you in Sarasota it will be a big surprise to me, because I don’t know a soul in Sarasota.
    But I’ll come see you once in a while.
    it’s about 3 hours straight across the shaft.

  30. Too bad about the bank’s not recognizing your name, Bigfur Hat. But you could just give us your checking account number and the banks transit/routing number and we could do simple wire transfers.

    INTO your account, of course. Heh-heh-heh…

  31. @Dadof4: there are several of us in TX. You ain’t gonna get AWD to do anything unless it involves shootin’, Harley ridin’, or eatin’ mudbugs (yeah, I know him). Anyhoo, maybe we can have a meet-up in Big D sometime!

  32. I tried to transfer you 1000 bitcoins a few years ago,
    they were only worth a few pennies each.

    whoops, that’s 2.2 million now.

    naw, but I wish I could have forked them over to everyone here like candy…. It was that easy.

  33. Lmao. Thanks BFH and UA. I heard there’s plenty of work down there (with all the retirees) but I’d like to maybe try getting back into law enforcement. Is 45 too old? I don’t know. It’s a bit daunting changing careers after 16 years though.

  34. pHenry, don’t give up yet. lol.
    Guys, if you want to do a get together with PHenry In Florida, email BFH and tell him you want to give your email addy to PHenry so y’all can discuss locations and time. And obviously, keep that info bewtixt yourselves.

  35. OH! And I also want to thank the ANONYMOUS donors to my go fund me campaign. I don’t have your name or any info so I have no way to thank you but here. So, thank you! Thank you for your generosity, I appreciate it tremendously! 💕

  36. Thank you for the subscription button. i tried doing this through the paypal button a few days ago but was unsuccessful. Hope it helps. Keep up the great work.

  37. Anyone out there from MT that would want to get together in Helena or some other town for a few beers and some cheap bar food? If so, maybe we can work something out with Fur to allow us to communicate for planning purposes. Let me know if you’re interested.

  38. Why don’t we have some kind of live online conference for those of us who can’t make it to Florida? Or alternatively, why don’t we at least have live interviews where we can type in or call in? I would be up for that.

  39. …and dammit, don’t forget to donate the last buck or two left on your otherwise-useless gift cards to BFH. That shit adds up quick.

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