The Voder – IOTW Report

The Voder

This speech synthesizer took years to master. It’s more like playing a very intricate musical instrument.

YT- The Voder was the worlds first voice electronic synthesizer. In 1939 Homer Dudley working at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey began to publicly demonstrate the Voder, the first electronic device that could generate continuous human speech electronically.

The Voder was designed for the 1939 Worlds Fair in New York as a showcase of the advanced work being done at Bell Laboratories. It was a manually operated system requiring training, ten finger, two foot paddles, a knee leaver and arm switch to generate sounds.

Difficult to use and difficult to operate, VODER nonetheless paved the way for future machine-generated speech.

The sound quality actually was better than most voice synthesizers all the way up to the late 1990s.

10 Comments on The Voder

  1. Fascinating, thanks Fur.
    The 1939 Worlds Fair is worth study. Must have been amazing to be there seeing the Wonders Of The Future.

    Unfortunately Hitler, Stalinism and the Cold War, and the Global Left, had other plans for humanity.

    Would have liked to see Stark Industries’ flying car.

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