Media’s New Orchestration?–> Trump Marriage in Trouble – IOTW Report

Media’s New Orchestration?–> Trump Marriage in Trouble

The execrable Daily Mail (they really, really are the bottom of the barrel, teetering very close to Supermarket tabloid status) ran a clip the other day of Melania pushing her husband’s hand away when he tried to hold hers. They intimate that the Trump’s marriage is in trouble.

The clip is undebatable, she is definitely scooting his hand aside.

Could there be a less nefarious explanation?

If there is, the enemedia doesn’t want to explore it. They have their narrative.

Wapo, Huff Po, and the rest of the usual suspects, are all pushing this.

32 Comments on Media’s New Orchestration?–> Trump Marriage in Trouble

  1. I doubt PDT will get this kind of kisscam kiss-ass from the MSM:

    “Now, you and the President were at a basketball game,” said Leno, by way of kicking things off, showing footage of the clip, narrating what looked like a kiss rejection. “Now, there you are. Now, you’re noting yourself here — now, you turned him down.”

    I did not!” Obama insisted. “Okay. So here’s the story…the girls and I went somewhere else, we met him at the game. And I had just walked in and sat down, and I just saw my face on the Jumbotron…So I just — I didn’t see the Kiss Cam part, so I didn’t know we were supposed to kiss.”

  2. A low high five. A reach back to make sure she is okay. Nah has to mean she hates him because he is a pig. They also are horrified he always walks through doors first but that is just simply protocol for POTUS.

  3. According to the linked story it is not acceptable in Israel to hold hands. I also didn’t see them holding hands in Saudi Arabia where it goes against custom. Same with Jared and Ivanka who always seem to be holding hands.

  4. Rush said it was a kind-of fist bump making sure she’s OK. The stress those two are under is unimaginable to me and yet they are handling it with such grace. I’m so proud to have them representing me, she’s the most beautiful first lady ever and the respect these nations are showing them is proof positive that America is back on the world stage in the lead role.

    If Melania had any problem with Trump she’d gracefully get out of the situation. I’m just having a little hard time with the Kushner’s tagging along. It’s the first trip, couldn’t they wait a little bit?

  5. I came across this story about Melania. Evidently Mrs. Rivlin (the Israeli President’s wife) told Melania to go ahead because she would be walking slower because of her oxygen tank. Melania grabbed her hand and said we will walk at your pace. When you click you will have to click through the ad for haaretz but the picture is worth it.

  6. Remember all of the media speculation about the Oboonga’s sham marriage when he vacationed with his “body (or should l say ‘booty’) man” Reggie Love? Yeah, me neither.

  7. The presupposition of duh media: Trump will do everything wrong, the distorter’s is real job is to point out any of his bad moves and correctly identifiy that for the viewers/readers.

  8. @ Burner

    You hit it on the head. DH and I have been married 50 years this past April Fools Day and are still in love. I smack his hand often as my way of saying, even though I’m cripped, I can get this. No need at this time for your hand. Do what you need to do, or go ahead, I can’t go as fast as you need to go. That’s the way I signal him.

  9. Nothing like becoming the First lady of the United States of America to make a gal feel like she’s stuck in a dead end. I can see why people would think there are problems

  10. Just think – they will frame everything possible they can in a negative way about PDT.

    And this is what they are reduced to putting out there. Weakest of the week.

    I think stuff like this tends to turn some people away from the enemedia because it’s so obvious they got nuttin’ and they be tryin’ too hard.

  11. IMHO, CC and Burner have pegged it.

    Two men striding along together with a woman in 6″ heels trying to keep up…

    Wives have signaled their husbands to “go on ahead” this way for eons.

    Every box of new high heel shoes comes with this kind of signaling manual. Didn’t you get the memo?

  12. Barry and Moose take separate jets to the same place or spend weeks apart from each other on separate continents and nobody bats an eye.

    Melania makes one simple hand gesture and everybody loses their minds.

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