Odd Film About Nightmarish Amusement Park Rides – IOTW Report

Odd Film About Nightmarish Amusement Park Rides

What a surreal little film.

I’ve never seen this before. It is well made.

18 Comments on Odd Film About Nightmarish Amusement Park Rides

  1. I’m not a fan of rides any more. I’m too old to have my innards stirred up like that. I did watch a couple minutes of this and decided I’m still too old for rides.

  2. If the scientist was played by Eugene Levy, you would have a hit movie ranking right up there with Best in Show, A Mighty Wind, and Waiting for Guffman. This kind of humor cracks me up. Thanks!

  3. Not a flipping chance in hell.

    They have these new VR rides in the malls
    here where you sit in a strapped bucket seat and
    go through different scenarios. The seat moves
    with the video as a simulator. My daughter loves
    them, I about shit myself. Gave that up quick!

  4. This video is many years old. It falls into the old V/A category of “create a realistic video using partial CGI”. Like the train that does a huge loop-de-loop on railroad tracks.

    The G force on some of those rides would turn astronauts into a liquid paste.

  5. you could keep the dialog and replace the visuals with progressive government programs of the last 50 years and it would still make sense.

    that was some awesome humor !

  6. I finally got taller then the clown outside the bumper car ride, so I could finally drive those rocket ships of impending death….it was my finest accomplishment to that point in my life…

  7. Love a good old wooden coaster, but could only take a few minutes of this. Brain shearing. It happens even when wearing a helmet. It causes diffuse brain damage, over time can mimick Parkinson’s.

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