Bela Pelosi Says Trump Going To Saudi Arabia First is Strange – IOTW Report

Bela Pelosi Says Trump Going To Saudi Arabia First is Strange

Pelosi says all the other previous 4 or 5 presidents went to either Canada or Mexico first.

Does the undead not remember that Trump already met with both of those heads of state already?

Had he gone to Mexico and Canada, and met with their leaders AGAIN, they’d say Trump was ignoring the number one problem in the world, the Middle East.

14 Comments on Bela Pelosi Says Trump Going To Saudi Arabia First is Strange

  1. According to Pelosi continues to commit the crime of drawing breath. She did same with GWBush. It’s her schtick, boring and repetitive.

    Just because fellates a microphone doesn’t mean that most people hear her nonsensical ramblings.

    Can we just pretend she’s dead? Same goes for Schumer.

  2. According to Pelosi, Trump continues to commit the crime of drawing breath. She did same with GWBush. It’s her schtick, boring and repetitive.

    Just because fellates a microphone doesn’t mean that most people hear her nonsensical ramblings.

    Can we just pretend she’s dead? Same goes for Schumer.

  3. Nancy doesn’t even know what planet she is on. Trump has her head so messed up that she can’t formulate a coherent sentence, let alone to remember to change her depends.

  4. This woman has gone off the rails and she needs to be checked into the old folks home. At the same time, someone who has lost their mental facilities is a perfect leader for a party of unhinged lunatics, psychopaths, criminals, liars, and people who hear voices. What was she trying to say? That was a pretty bizarre 2-minute windup and the point was … why did he go to Arabia? Why not? It’s a new world today and I am going with A for Arabia so there.

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