Dr. Jordan Peterson Could Save the World – IOTW Report

Dr. Jordan Peterson Could Save the World

Am I being hyperbolic when I say Peterson could save the world?


He just has to be listened to and heeded.

This 6 minutes is remarkable. He discusses how the role of universities has been lost to cultural marxism, but he just doesn’t carp about it – he explains directly to students what it’s doing to them and how easily it can be corrected.

This section is moment after moment of scathing nuggets of identification of the problems, indictments of those problems and impassioned pleas for societal change.

The full Harvard talk is HERE.

Peterson is a star and should be elevated by right-wing blogs everywhere.

In case you’re left wondering what an intellectual powerhouse like Peterson thinks of Trump, here it is–>

12 Comments on Dr. Jordan Peterson Could Save the World

  1. I know several persons with IQs over 150 very well, and watching PDT he obviously is superior in intelligence. Perhaps there is some distinguishing between aspects of IQ needed for quantum physics genius and IQ needed for spacial and people-understanding genius. With Trump’s genius, there is also the God and prayer factor.

  2. Dr. Peterson is stating the obvious – nothing more, nothing less. Students at Harvard are neither oppressed nor victims. Independent thought is discouraged, and accumulated wisdom is discounted in favor of modern politically correct mantras. What most people call common sense, which is primarily accumulated wisdom, is ridiculed as arcane.

    Universities should be places where students and faculty can test and expand the boundaries. But you cannot expand boundaries when you establish artificial boundaries that cannot be crossed under penalty of expulsion or violence. You cannot test ideas if those ideas can never be raised or discussed. With their speech and conduct codes, universities are narrowing educational inquiry when these should be expanded.

    I suspect that I would disagree with many of Dr. Peterson’s beliefs, but he sppears to still be an excellend professor because he would encourage discussion of all areas of intellectual thought. I have had many horrible professors in the humanities who measure competence only by a student’s ability to parrot the professor’s own beliefs.

  3. Just by looking at him, hearing him speak, his background in academia and being a mayonnaise-licking Canadian, he would be the pinkest of pinkos.

    Important lesson in suspending prejudice and allowing people to prove their character.

  4. Independent/critical thought should begin well before entry to grade school; by college it’s too late. This generation was never encouraged to think for themselves, much less weigh the consequences of their actions/inactions resulting from group think.

  5. @Engelburka, you’re so right.

    It’s really the parents job to “train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6). If the parents can’t think for themselves, how can they teach it to their children?

    And I won’t even mention the fact that many children only have one parent. Oops, I mentioned it, didn’t I?

  6. When I think of “academia” I think of a system that is:
    – Propped up by reputation earned long ago and now it is hype.
    – Propped up by the government, through loans and subsidies
    – Making itself obsolete, since low cost online learning is gaining ever more prominence

    On that last point, look how much you learned from this professor in ten minutes, for free.

  7. Peterson has his lectures on youtube for free and he is in so way shape or form a leftist. He has one video on IQ. We points out that lots of people can become expert in one field and be brilliant at that one thing, but outside of that, they are not high performers (ie: still be clueless leftists). Trump clearly has a high IQ because he is a high performer across the board. Peterson makes that clear.

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