Pickled ex-Pol Weighs in From Peanut Gallery – IOTW Report

Pickled ex-Pol Weighs in From Peanut Gallery


Everything President Trump has done in office, apart from international affairs and foreign policy, has been a “complete disaster,” says former House Speaker John Boehner.

Boehner was speaking at an energy conference Wednesday and praised the president’s willingness to dedicate more resources to combating ISIS.

“Everything else he’s done [in office] has been a complete disaster,” Boehner said. “He’s still learning how to be president.”

The comments were made at a Q&A lunch event and were first reported by Rigzone, an energy trade publication. Boehner, who resigned from the House in October 2015, spoke for about an hour, and a spokesman for the former speaker confirmed the comments to NPR on Friday.

The Ohio Republican added that he “never envisioned” Trump as president, throughout their 15 years as friends and golf buddies.

In regard to policy, Boehner said he’s “60/40” on whether Trump will be able to get tax reform done and he thinks the president “did what he could” on health care. He said, however, that a repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act is “not going to happen.”

“Republicans never ever agree on health care,” he said.

Boehner said he is happier now since he left Congress and added that he has no desire to run for president.

“I drink red wine. I smoke cigarettes. I golf. I cut my own grass. I iron my own clothes,” he said. “And I’m not willing to give all that up to be president.”


Oh, this drunk won’t be president because he’s decided he doesn’t want to be?

19 Comments on Pickled ex-Pol Weighs in From Peanut Gallery

  1. Crybaby Bohner strikes once again from the RINO GOPe Deep State.
    Every Libtard makes fun of Trump’s “cheetos” hair. What about Bohner’s fake tan orange skin? Yeah…..I know….he was DildoCrat in everything but name, so no name-calling allowed from the Libtard Left.

  2. His goal in life was to become Speaker of The House, and amass the power and wealth that comes with it. That he achieved, but nothing else for the good of the country. He’s a teat sucker. Imagine playing golf with Donald Trump for fifteen years and then calling him a “complete disaster”? What kind of man is inside that well tanned, whiskey saturated, grease-ball body? Ans. A phucking crybaby. A backstabbing whiner.

  3. Man, when you look up “cuckold” in the dictionary, there’s a picture of Boehner next to it. His daughter even married some rasta dude from Jamaica. What a POS. The poor, white people of Ohio he represented got screwed by this vile traitor. May he burn in hell.

  4. I am offended Boehner was referred to as a Republican in the article.
    He’s a thief, using his political offices to gain great wealth at the expense of the Nation and his constituency.

    Boehner like most politicians get what they want, million dollars houses, no mortgage, healthy bank account and a list of hangers on that continue to blow smoke up their butt and pay them to talk at trade associations.
    Boehner was just another turd in the punch bowl of so-called GOVERNMENT.

  5. Yeah but who is worse? Boehner or Ryan?
    – Boehner was incompetent
    – Ryan is deliberately incompetent. He has his own agenda and does not care what the people want. A sneaky asshole isn’t what he is.

    Ryan is worse. I think Boehner would try to work with President Trump. Ryan…Not so much.

    Is there ANYONE that could be and would be a competent Speaker? I’m not seeing anyone impressive.

  6. First Sir Hillary, then old Mad Hatter Bernie and now Jaundice John all have a high regard for themselves vis a vis the presidency being there for their pick and choosing! Mental illness seems to be running rampant in their generation of old, and deluded losers!

  7. Who paid boner to come out of the drunk house?
    Look for the dollar source, there’s a reason. My
    bet is soros and non news being pushed.
    The new operative for the lame stream media.

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