I’m Going To Buy a Beer This Memorial Day – IOTW Report

I’m Going To Buy a Beer This Memorial Day

I’m going to buy a beer this weekend and it’s going to be a Budweiser.

I’ll happily support a company with this message.

I’m so sick of being inundated with ads from companies that virtue signal, forcing me to celebrate causes or political agendas that I don’t wish to celebrate.

Find the people who think this commercial is offensive and I’ll show you walking garbage truck juice.

Have I been manipulated by Budweiser?

Maybe. Manipulate me some more.

ht/ C. Steven Tucker

Contrast Bud and Heineken. (Don’t let me catch you with a Heineken!)

Ht/ The Young Cons

33 Comments on I’m Going To Buy a Beer This Memorial Day

  1. The ad says “This buds for you”. If you are a vet, count me as a bud for you too.

    I wish i could have served but they rejected me so . . .
    Thank you for your service.

  2. Budweiser had always been the beer I bought most frequently. I haven’t had one since the Super Bowl commercial that seemed to suggest that today’s illegal immigrants are no different from the immigrants of 150 years ago. Are they trying to make up for that last commercial? Now what do I drink?

  3. Bud Light had two Superbowl commercials (Seth “Canadian”Rogan/Amy shoo!mer ) that basically called American Conservatives dummies

    So f*ck them . Yuengling Light is My Beer now…Oldest American Brewery and they backed Trump before the Election .

  4. #NeverBud here. Bunch of lefitst jerkoffs running that company. This ad is just the marketing team sucking up to the weekend; they’ll be back to their Obama loving ways come Tuesday.

  5. Many real Texans here drink Shiner or Lone Star, the national beer of Texas! Shiner makes several varieties, Bock, light Blonde, cactus pear, and other seasonal ones…

  6. I’ll drink a Bud with you, BFH.
    It seems our Conservative Backlashes ™ can have an impact on the behavior of a company.
    I can forgive past transgressions (to a point) if the company mends its ways.
    This is a good start for Bud.
    (This ad brought a tear to my eye. Pretty cool thing to do.)

  7. My favorite beer is Full Sail Amber Ale. It’s won a lot of awards. Unfortunately, it’s brewed in Oregon, and I’m guessing, but I suspect they’re libstains. I’ll drink Coors when I want lemonade.

  8. Budweiser was acquired by Inbev, a Brazilian/Belgian company. It is now known as Anheuser-Busch InBev. No longer an “American beer”. If you want an American beer, buy a local micro brew.

  9. Back in the early 1990’s, Budweiser made significant contributions to gun control groups. Don’t know what their policy is now but I haven’t bought a Budweiser since and don’t plan to change. Their beer sucks anyway.

  10. I love the Ad and did send it to my 2 Brothers an 1 Sister.
    All Army.Big (Brother Viet Nam Vet) Funny we call him Big Brother anyway,
    we all know Bud is a Sucky Beer They will get a kick out of it.
    Bud is what we have at our Church Festival every year. I will not drink that either it gives me a headache.

  11. Not a bud guy, but I’ll pour the hard stuff in a Tervis tumbler only 2 lines from the top instead of 3 lines and mix the rest with water or kombucha this weekend. Cheers!

  12. Fur, you know how I love me some great commercials, and that was a doozy! Got teary eyed. Thanks, honey. Oh, and Heineken can kiss my ass. I’ll never touch one again as long as I live(not that I ever liked their over-priced swill in the first place). God Bless our military and all who sacrifice for our country! I’m going to drink a Bud tonight.

  13. I don’t drink but I am going to buy some Budweiser and give it to someone who served our country. Class act Budweiser! Heineken-your propaganda sucks!

  14. @Tamminator — Agree 100%!

    Bud may not have great beer, but they can hit spot-on with their commercials.

    For us, it’s local brewery Sweetwater. 420 and IPA are the best!

  15. I’m a MGD or Light guy. Nothing fancy here. That open
    borders shit is why hinycan will shut down. Remember,
    alcohol is against the koran buddies? I blow you UP!

    Phucking morons.

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