Leftist Tells Truth… Then Lies – IOTW Report

Leftist Tells Truth… Then Lies


CNN’s Dylan Byers refreshingly acknowledged early on Friday morning that the mainstream media has an implicit slant towards the left.

“On occasion, more than the media would probably like to admit, we have not told the story of conservative Americans — disenfranchised Americans — who believe that they are losing their country,” Byers said, in a segment first flagged by The Right Scoop. “The story we have largely been telling is a story that is more or less in step with the arc of history as defined by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.”

And now for the big lie—

The CNN senior media reporter continued with a qualifier: “That doesn’t mean we favor them to win. It just means that that sort of vision of a progressive future — a global future — and that is not one that resonates with so many conservative American voters.”

Ya, sure Dylan, the leftist media doesn’t favor the left to win elections.

Shut up, ya big dummy.


4 Comments on Leftist Tells Truth… Then Lies

  1. In his skinny assed objectivist world view, progressivism is the natural order, so supporting that is tribal knowledge, unquestionably true. Any other viewpoint is heresy, to be mocked and scorned.

  2. After a year of establishment-approved. violence against Trump supporters, Byers has the gall to say this…

    “there is this chasm, and no one exploited it as well as Donald Trump did; and no one made it as violent and aggressive and sinister as Donald Trump did.” This, in his view, laid the groundwork for Greg Gianforte‘s assault on Ben Jacobs.”

    …although he is so clumsy and obtuse in his language that he seems to be aware how stupid he would sound if he expressed his lies clearly.

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