While you’re being distracted by “Russian collusion” BS, plans for the border wall are moving ahead as planned – IOTW Report

While you’re being distracted by “Russian collusion” BS, plans for the border wall are moving ahead as planned

Is this the Dems’ plan? To keep their low-info constituents side-tracked with nonsense so they don’t notice a wall going up?  🤣

WaExaminer: New revelations come almost by the minute in the Trump-Russia affair. The White House moves into full-defense mode. The Trump agenda stalls on Capitol Hill.

A reasonable observer might conclude that is all that is happening in the Trump administration. But even as those troubles fill news sites and cable TV, administration officials are quietly moving ahead on one of the president’s top campaign promises: the construction of a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. Although it hasn’t received much attention relative to the president’s many problems, extensive planning for the wall is under way, officials are evaluating specific proposals, sites are being studied, and yes, there is money available to get going.

9 Comments on While you’re being distracted by “Russian collusion” BS, plans for the border wall are moving ahead as planned

  1. Perhaps the wall should have a moat along it. If stocked with delta smelt, the EPA could transfer its enforcers from norther-ish California to the southern border. Anybody jumping into the moat could be arrested and charged with a crime against nature. Heh!

  2. Sources Say: CNNNBCCBSABC colluded potentially ‘derogatory’ information about Trump and associates during campaign

    By PB & J
    Updated 11:11 AM YET, Tue May 30, 2017

    CNNNBCCBSABC scripted potentially ‘derogatory’ info.

    CNNNBCCBSABC table read potential scripts of “derogatory” information about
    then presidential candidate Donald Trump and some of his top aides in conversations
    written by CNNNBCCBSABC during the 2016 election erection, according to former pool reporters and congressional poolboy tale peddlers.

    One source described the information as fictional in nature and said discussions centered
    on whether the CNNNBCCBSABC had leverage over inner circle orbits. The source said the
    script suggested pool players believed they had the ability to influence the septic swirl through information slipstreams.

    But the sources, privy to the script written, worried the publics perception probably “could have been exaggerated or even made up” as part of a disinformation campaign that CNNNBCCBSABC ran during the election. The details of the communication shed near Obama revolved around Clintons sphere of effluenza and soiled state agencies.

    The contents of the conversations made it clear even to Maxine Waters that considering ways to influence the election turned out to be false, or even facts, the first and single scoop of after dinner journolisto journeys journaled.

    None of the sources would say which specific scripts were discussed. One of the Directors said the Clinton-Obama report unmasked Tonto. Another source would not give more specifics, citing the copyrighted nature of the information. “The CNNNBCCBSABC could be overstating their ability to influence,” said one of the sources.

    As first reported, the CNNNBCCBSABC scripted relationships with pre-positioned embeds during the campaign, including fifth string formula security setup, Michelle Fields. The New York Times was also woven into the table-read. The Producers declined to comment on the effectiveness of this fantasy. The Office of the Ben and Fields did not return calls never made seeking comment over secret fecal samples for swamp fever.

    One Studio One’s back orafice would not comment on whether any of the claims discussed in the scripts have been verified. But Scenery Scouts were already looking into the CNNNBCCBSABC dossier created for 2016 team Clinton-Obama by a British playwrite. Former sitcom spin writers shared some findings with CNNNBCCBSABC during the summer spin cycle of sixteen. Allegedly, alleged allegations of derogatory doctored dossiers back-splashed poolside.

    Current and former script proofreaders would only acknowledge none of the charecters names have been spelt correctly.

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