Nerve Griffin – IOTW Report

Nerve Griffin

Via Milo’s Facebook

She loved him before she hated him.

HT/ illustr8r

30 Comments on Nerve Griffin

  1. Naw, I want her to live a long time so she can see everything she loves turn out to be what she hates. And then she can die a happy harpy as she consumes herself in dispair and throws herself under a train.

  2. Uh, it’s sorta embarrassing when you are caught doing something just to be trendy. People *will* literally cross the street to avoid you. Guess she thought her “career” needed a shot in the arm. Instead, she shot her mouth off and shot herself in the foot.

    Secret Service say they will be investigating her. And the photographer.

  3. She got her free publicity. As planned.

    Now she’s trying to walk it back. Also as planned.

    Now the Secret Service now says they’re “on it. ”

    This may cost her.

    Slap her on the Terrorist Watch List.
    See how that permanent ban on air travel ends her “entertainment” career.

  4. Websters Dictionary

    adjective de·plor·able \di-ˈplȯr-ə-bəl\
    Definition of deplorable for English Language Learners
    : very bad in a way that causes shock, fear, or disgust : deserving to be deplored

  5. She’s been trying to rise her star for 10 years now. The problem is she tried to do it through the gay community thinking that would be her hook. So she divorced her husband.
    But the gay community was too small a demographic, so she tried palling with celebrities of the “upper-crust”. But they didn’t like her because she already considered herself a fourth-rate celebrity…And they did too.

    Now this crap.

  6. seriously .. why is anyone human being concerned about anything emanating from the orifices of this creature?
    why is anyone surprised from this offal?

  7. I just went to her Facebook page and left an appropriate message. My God, the negative comments were awe-inspiring!! My husband said he read on his Twitter feed (I don’t indulge) that the Route 66 casino in Albuquerque had cancelled her appearance. A list of all her venues for the summer was posted with the poster urging readers to contact every one and ask them to follow the example set by the casino.

  8. “I’m a comic.” Such blatant, idiotic rubbish. There is no way that at any time, even before the shit hit the fan, that an image of the severed head of our Commander in Chief–especially after the barbaric slaughter of some of our own people by these bastards–no way that was at any time EVER “comical.”

    This one has been shooting her mouth off since some time now, desperately seeking relevance, and now I hope she gets all the attention in the world for months and months, even years to come, for how she uses decapitation as a prop and for what a filthy piece of garbage she is. I really hope she gets the liberal treatment from whoever wants to dish it out–where she has to get up on the Great Stage of the Cultural Revolution and beg forgiveness just like Mao used to make people do, before race baiters like Sharpton took over.

  9. @Cato, I had “entertainment” in quotes, like any good oxymoron.

    And I see the thousands of grieving families of all the innocents beheaded by ISIS were not even mentioned in her flippant Twitter “apology”.

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