Maxine Waters – “You can’t impeach a woman of congress” – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters – “You can’t impeach a woman of congress”

“A woman of congress” applies to Maxine in a way that I don’t think she quite understands. The woman is an abject moron.

A patriot confronted Maxine Waters and  caught a little gold on camera. Waters says she cannot be impeached.

True, it’s called expulsion.

Funny how the woman who doesn’t know a damn thing knows that.

She must have consulted with her lawyer after she was named the most corrupt corrupt member of congress in 2005, 2006 and 2008. (There were so many other dems to nominate, so they cut her a break during the other years.)

More at Bizpac (They use the Maxine as James Brown pic. Hilarious.)

ht/ annie

17 Comments on Maxine Waters – “You can’t impeach a woman of congress”

  1. Sorry, citizen reporter, but she’ll be elected into your district time and again. You are outnumbered by morons and purchased votes. Time for plan B. Skeedaddle and find a more reasonable district.

    Need incentive? This congresswoman is eroding your property value. Caliph fornia is already junk, but this district is the worst in the state. Maybe.

  2. It is also known as recall, but it does take time, money and effort. Just like the dhimwitted potty likes Hooray for the incumbent, to hell with the voters! Politics at it’s very best!

  3. True, “impeachment” per se is not appropriate…
    …HOWEVER…I believe voting the b!tch out of office, charging the b!tch with the appropriate offenses and locking that b!tch up…

    …ARE appropriate actions.
    Pardon that I quibble on the details….

  4. Want to Drain The Swamp of corrupt disgraces like Maxine?

    Trump can announce Zero Tolerance War On Corruption. $1.000.000 tax free reward to ANYONE furnishing evidence resulting in the removal (no need for actual conviction, just removal) of any Federal official.
    Especially Judges and Congresspersons.
    Create an 800 number and a tip website and advertise the hell out of them. Nonstop PSA’s.

    Complete immunity plus full civil waivers for a corrupt official’s tax accountant, business partners, personal attorneys past & present, when turning them in.
    Publicize the hell out of the first few arrests. Coordinate RICO and IRS prosecutions and asset seizures. Go after Judges with especially ruthless prosecution. Make clear that if charged, you WILL BE ruined.

    You’ll see an immediate wave of early retirements and resignations. All good.
    Trump appoints replacement Judges with each vacancy. Win-win.

    Perps like Podesta will have to live in fear of every disgruntled employee and every coconspirator in their long careers.
    Ex wives, ex hookups. Adult children impatient for inheritance.

    Lots of ways to Drain the Swamp.

  5. I have a strong feeling that Maxine’s days in the congress are numbered. Don’t know why, just do. The tide has turned and people are starting to feel hopeful about finally getting rid of the worst of the corruptocrats.

  6. Congress needs to ramrod through, legislation stripping the vote from people receiving food stamps/welfare.

    They need to be sure to limit judicial review of this law to the Supreme Court only – which they have the power to do, but never use.

    No Democrat would ever be elected again at the Federal level.

  7. DAN,I hope I won’t be around when the USA get taken out when the world realizes they get in control in the next 30 years. I have zero children, the average welfare momma has 8.

  8. The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors…. Not that said, YES she can be impeached. Expulsion is an entirely different Congressional Process based on Congressional “Rules” not the Constitution. Like a state law verses Federal law.

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