Trump Admin Approves Tougher Visa Vetting, Including Social Media Checks – IOTW Report

Trump Admin Approves Tougher Visa Vetting, Including Social Media Checks

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Trump administration has rolled out a new questionnaire for U.S. visa applicants worldwide that asks for social media handles for the last five years and biographical information going back 15 years.

The new questions, part of an effort to tighten vetting of would-be visitors to the United States, was approved on May 23 by the Office of Management and Budget despite criticism from a range of education officials and academic groups during a public comment period.

Critics argued that the new questions would be overly burdensome, lead to long delays in processing and discourage international students and scientists from coming to the United States.  read more

7 Comments on Trump Admin Approves Tougher Visa Vetting, Including Social Media Checks

  1. Although most Americans born in the US take citizenship for granted, it is indeed a privilege, reserved to allow others from countries of good report, productivity and acceptance of our society of freedom and self determination.
    No more gang members, terrorist cells, criminal, uneducated, sluggards allowed to destroy the fabric of a Great Nation.

  2. I’m looking forward to having a miserable little bureaucrat ask me for my social media history so I can tell them I don’t have one. At least not one that I’ve done, who knows what someone else has on me.

  3. “Critics argued that the new questions would be overly burdensome, lead to long delays in processing and discourage international students and scientists from coming to the United States.”

    Oh well! If the regressive activist judges had not over stepped their bounds to make such idiotic rulings over 7 countries, this would never have happened. So take pride regressives, the actions you cheered have consequences. Job well done!

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