Remember, This was a Norman Lear Production – IOTW Report

Remember, This was a Norman Lear Production

Remember, these were all white progressive writers. Norman Lear approved it all in 1974.

The “N word” is said to be the most vile thing anyone could ever say. When was this determined? What year? And why?

What made this okay in 1974?


14 Comments on Remember, This was a Norman Lear Production

  1. We’re only racist when it is good for the democratic left.

    They’ze only missing their pointy white hoods now. Now that
    byrd is dead, they are legal to attack in a different manner.

  2. God I loved that show. Back in the day when tv programs were so much lighter and funnier and tolerant — and before liberals wormed their way into every nook and cranny of hollywood and society.

    Michelle obozo would make a helluva Aunt Esther as well.

  3. A better question would be, “Who made this word so toxic since 1974?”. (It’s a rhetorical question. I already know the answer).

    As I have mentioned here before, in the time and place I grew up (many moons ago), the word was in common usage, although considered vulgar in mixed company. Whites would use it among themselves, and Blacks would use it to describe other Blacks, usually in a pejorative sense. A modern-day analogy might be the term “Redneck”, for Whites.

    “Colored” was the preferred race descriptor, or even “Negro” (mostly in news reports). Amusingly enough, the only word that was considered worse than the N-word was the term “Black”, which was akin to calling someone an ape. Persons of color hated it.

    Times do change…


  4. I believe people smoked on TV, too.
    And some people of dubious character were derided as “crooks” or “thugs.”

    What happened in ’74? Oh, yeah, Nixon resigned and the media was in its ascendancy – thinking itself the supreme arbiter of EVERY-fukkin-THING!
    They truly believed that if it was in their power to destroy a Presidency that carried 49 states and 520 electoral votes, that it was in their power to re-shape America into their sick, putrid, fetid, nihilistic, vision of dystopia.
    And they were right.
    Except for Reagan (and now Trump) we’ve had nothing but a succession of statist totalitarians, preening and primping to the press.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. It is not the intention of the black man to become the equal in our society. It is his intention to be the master. Make no mistake, they will never have nothing but hate and contempt for all other races.

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