Evergreen Prof: Protesters Forced Me to Hold Class in Park over Safety Concerns – IOTW Report

Evergreen Prof: Protesters Forced Me to Hold Class in Park over Safety Concerns

Breitbart: Evergreen State College professor Bret Weinstein wrote in the Wall Street Journal that security concerns caused by student protesters have forced him to hold class off campus.

In the May 30 column, progressive biology professor Bret Weinstein described his experiences at Evergreen State College, where student protesters are demanding his resignation for his opposition to the annual “Day of Absence” event, which, this year, asked white community members to leave campus for the day.

Weinstein places the blame on campus postmodernists, who he suggests have been emboldened by the policies of Evergreen President George Bridges, who was hired at the college in 2015. Bridges, he argues, reduced professional autonomy and increased the role of the postmodernists that dominate the humanities.

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6 Comments on Evergreen Prof: Protesters Forced Me to Hold Class in Park over Safety Concerns

  1. He blames “postmodernists” in the “humanities?” What we have here is a man that understands the fundaments of science, and they just collided with his “progressive” leftist worldview.

    Does not compute does is prof? I admire your courage to appear on Tucker’s show. You paid the tuition, now learn the lesson.

    Stay with facts, logic and reason. Go somewhere they value objective reality and thrive. Discard the idiotic virtue signaling and pursue science before it goes away forever in a tide of Progressivism.

  2. This is what it must have been like in the 60s when Mao sent his student Red Guards to seize campuses, harangue their professors at gunpoint, and shot them at whim.

    Eventually one of these student mobs is going to kill someone. Probably another white Fellow Traveler prof like Epstein.
    It will be captured on viral video. And it may be a Turning Point.

    Or, Trump can have Devos simply cut off Federal funds.

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