Kegals, Pilates, Wasp Nests – IOTW Report

Kegals, Pilates, Wasp Nests

Karnac says, name three things that’ll tighten your sausage garage.

Women, forever seeking a tweaking, have embraced a ridiculous claim in order to “rejuvenate” the nether region – ground up oak galls.

An oak gall is a deformation in an oak tree created by wasps. It looks like this-

You’re supposed to make a paste out of it.

When applied it burns, and it dries out the vagina (that’s not good) causing it to shrink.

Doctors say it increases the chance of all sorts of ailments, not the least of which is an increased chance of contracting HIV.

So, you’ll have a tight one that no one will wanna get anywhere near.


ht/ PHenry


25 Comments on Kegals, Pilates, Wasp Nests

  1. Habanero peppers ought to do the trick.
    Just put a handful in the blender, seeds and all, then slap a handful of the mash on your nether region.
    It won’t tighten anything up except your sphincter muscle, but you won’t care after the pain goes away and your man won’t care either (unless you didn’t get all the pepper mash cleaned off.

  2. So this is how the Women’s Movement ends–exchanging nonsensical Tricks of the Trade for sagging hoo-ha’s from ageing Victorian prostitutes.

    Paging Gwyneth Paltrow.

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