Trump on Israeli Embassy Move – “It’s Not a Matter of If, It’s a Matter of When” – IOTW Report

Trump on Israeli Embassy Move – “It’s Not a Matter of If, It’s a Matter of When”

Times of Israel-

US President Donald Trump on Thursday signed a waiver that delays for six months any plan to relocate the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem,…

“President Trump made this decision to maximize the chances of successfully negotiating a deal between Israel and the Palestinians, fulfilling his solemn obligation to defend America’s national security interests. But, as he has repeatedly stated his intention to move the embassy, the question is not if that move happens, but only when.”


As always, Trump’s interests are what’s good for America right now. Not any other country, including Israel.

I support Trump’s decision because I know his intentions and heart is in the right place and I’m not privy to closed door meetings on such matters like, apparently, other readers on this site.


7 Comments on Trump on Israeli Embassy Move – “It’s Not a Matter of If, It’s a Matter of When”

  1. That damn Mark Levin, about once a week I’ll turn him on to see what is on his mind and I can’t get 5 minutes into his show before I turn him off. Today, granted it was the start of his 3rd hour, he is mad as can be talking about how it takes as long to keep a promise as it does to break one. He was ranting about his broken promise to move the embassy to Jerusalem. Jeez.

  2. It’s not like it can be done over night.

    Find site. Bonus points if it pisses off the muslims.

    Design new building, It must be bomb proof, because islam, the ever explody ‘religion of peace.’

    Build new building. They have to use American workers, because otherwise it will be a giant eavesdropping system disguised as a building. We had Russian workers build the US embassy in Moscow, many years ago. It had to be torn down and rebuilt by imported American workers – without all the surveillance stuff the Russians had added. Lesson learned, I hope.

    Move into new building. New stuff, etc. Takes more time.

  3. I’m confused. Isn’t Israel’s capital in Tel Aviv? Wouldn’t it make sense that our embassy is there? I understand the significance of Jerusalem and all. But we’ve got more pressing issues in the region. I think. Straighten me out.

  4. AC said it well. I agree this isn’t our first priority for Israel’s security.
    Moving the Embassy is nice symbolism but doesn’t protect them from Iraqi first strikes.

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