Dad overdoses on heroin to teach his addict son a lesson – IOTW Report

Dad overdoses on heroin to teach his addict son a lesson

NYPost: A Sheepshead Bay father was so angry when he found his heroin addict son’s stash that he shot it up himself and almost died of an overdose — just to send a message to his kid.

“I told him if you’re not going to stop, I will do the same as you do,” Sergey Gnatovskiy, 45, told The Post. “I [tried] to send him to rehab. He promised me he was going to go, and I found it again.”

But the risky life lesson seems to have worked — son Maykl, 23, claims he’s been scared straight back to rehab after finding his dad passed out on the floor of their living room floor on Wednesday afternoon.

“After seeing this I definitely want to go. I’ve been doing this since I was 15. I’m 23 now, I can’t keep doing this,” he said.

Maykl says he instantly recognized that his pop was overdosing, and used CPR and Narcan nasal spray to bring him back from the brink— something Sergey has had to do for his son on four separate occasions.  read more

11 Comments on Dad overdoses on heroin to teach his addict son a lesson

  1. Something fishy about this story. Saw it elsewhere.
    Dad knew the dangers of heroin and then shot himself up to impress upon his son how dangerous it is? Cmon.
    Dads a junkie too. Not buying it.

  2. Quit reviving them with narcan, they’ll eventually die off and we won’t have to hear about them overdosing anymore. Sounds cruel I know, but they’ll be junkies the rest of their life. My wife sells unabusable opioids, she carries no samples. Almost weekly she gets stopped by some junkie in doctor parking lots looking to trade the stuff she sells for something else that can be abused.

  3. Duterte has a permanent cure.

    Just shoot the dealers and importers and everyone in the entire distribution network.

    Tough, but it’s working. Fast. Cheap. Zero prison costs. No judicial backlogs.

    Two promising lives I know have been utterly destroyed by heroin. Now I say Duterte may be crazy, but he’s right.

    I see Netflix and various cable networks are launching yet more shows glamorizing hard drugs and normalizing the drug cartel “lifestyle”. The FCC needs to finally shut that crap down. It’s illegal to promote or encourage crime.
    Summon the network heads to D.C. for some bitch slapping. Send them back traumatized and terrified of losing their licenses.

  4. I’m not buying this story at all. In order to OD in just the right narrow range of dosage, you’d have to know very accurately what the strength/purity of the heroin is and your own individual sensitivity to the drug. Unless daddy’s a chemist he’d have no way to know the former, and unless he’s a user he’d be ignorant of the latter.

    It seems likely he did actually OD but the rest of the story is crap fiction.

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