Perhaps it’s time the FBI take this whole Russia and Hillary thing seriously. Oh, not the Russian hacked the election accusation, there’s no evidence there, but Judicial Watch found some interesting e-mails recently. Seems Hillary’s personal assistant, Huma Abedin, admits to doing favors at the State Department for Russians in return for donations to the Clinton Foundation.
This is just a hint at what they’ve been trying to hide for years now.
The really good upside to this is that Sessions won’t recuse himself. Time to turn the FBI (at least the loyal to the country part) loose and not be afraid of laying criminal charges. The first step would be to get a court order for Huma to turn over her passport until the investigation is complete. That alone may cause her to come hat in hand for a deal.
January 17, 2016: “Hillary Clinton’s campaign encountered heavy backlash Sunday night shortly after tweeting a statement made by Clinton during the fourth Democratic primary debate. ‘There should be no bank too big to fail and no individual too big to jail,’ Clinton told the moderators during the first hour of the debate Sunday.”
Great point, Hillary. You first.
Hillary corruption and the Russian connection the media has forgotten about.
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal