It’s Spreading – IOTW Report

It’s Spreading

What’s the number one boy’s name trending in Ireland?

You guessed it.


Erin Go Burqa.


The name ‘Muhammad’ has made it to the top 100 boy names in Ireland for 2016.

Muhammad was the highest climing boy’s name in 2016, with Aria, Mathilda, Harper, Willow, Heidi and Zoey making the top 100 list for baby girl names.

For the first time since 2007, Jack is no longer the most popular baby name for boys in Ireland. The Central Statistics Office have said 688 babies were named James last year and 684 babes were named Jack. Daniel was the third most common name among boys, followed by Conor, and then Sean. Noah had become the 6th most popular name among baby boys.

Emily remains the most popular name for newborn girls, followed by Grace, Ava and Lucy.

The Big Owe

12 Comments on It’s Spreading

  1. Tragic. The Irish should man up and give those worthless Islamic parasites the Saint Patrick’s treatment. Muslims are out to kill western civilization. Millions of Irish are going to be replaced with virtually worthless muslims. War is headed their way. Too many Irish turned their backs on God. As punishment, their great country is being filled up with satanic muslims.

  2. In a sane world the name Muhammad would be something no parent would ever foist on their kid. “You mean Muhammad like the name of that psychotic 7th century pedophile who invented the savage death cult? Are you CRAZY?!?!”
    Alas, we do not live in a sane world.

  3. I got back three weeks ago from vacationing in Ireland with my wife. We drove all over Ireland while there. I noticed more muzzies than my last visit seventeen years ago. Dublin isn’t worth seeing as it is crawling with non-Irish and just seemed to be a dying, dirty place. I spent most of the time in small towns and villages where life is simple and so are the people. After talking with many Irish people I discovered that the so-called Irish economic miracle of the past decade was pretty much American jobs that Obama chased overseas with his high taxes and over regulation. Face it, we all tend to like the Irish and think of them as pretty good lads and lassies, but actually, they are uber-liberal, if not downright left leaning dumbasses. They deserve to live in abject poverty and total misery as they decided to remain neutral during WWII and have lived under the umbrella of America’s nuclear might ever since. They are very anti-Semetic and refused to allow any Jews to seek refuge there as they didn’t want to “contaminate” their population. They have virtually turned their collective backs on God in recent decades and have allowed the feminization of their male population. They sit in their pubs and drink their brains out and wonder why the “idiot Americans” have done such a stupid thing as to reject Obama and Hillary. They are too lazy to even think about defending their country from the jihadist movement and will roundly look down their noses at anyone who speaks badly of the Muslim hoards who are entering their beautiful green isle. Ireland is still a beautiful place and I had a good time there, but, like England and France and Germany, they are doomed. When the last Irish man is being chased down the street by a Muslim who will cut his head clean off, he will be thinking how boorish and uncivilized the Americans are for being Islamophobic. Screw the filthy little leprechaun bastards.

  4. For some (deplorable) reason, I find the idea of an island of (economically enforced) non-obese Gaelic women, wrapped in kelly green burkas, yearning to drink free, to be oddly arousing.

  5. Hambone. I was born in Ireland and I agree. They passed same sex marriage two years ago and they just elected Leo Varadkar, an openly gay Indian/Irish guy as Prime minister. The Irish are very, very liberal. And very, very spiteful of those of us who have left to find a better life abroad, as many thousands/millions have. They are happy with their elitist Bankers, Politicians, and brokers: they are happy with muslim money. They are happy on the dole. They, to me, are like frogs in a pot of water. Just turn the heat up. It’s coming..

  6. Homebone: One correction. The Lord Mayor of Dublin was a Jew. Mayor Briscoe. The Irish of my childhood, born 1941, were anti Nazi and were appalled when the news of the concentration camps came out. I remember my father reading it to us. Irishmen fought gallantly in the British, America, Canadian, and Australian, Armies, in WW11 against the Japs and the Nazis. There was no anti- Semetic banter among us at home. Just anti-Nazi stuff.

  7. Moe Tom: About 50,000 Irish men did join the Allied forces, most in the British Army and the RAF, and fought the Nazis. About 5,000 more actually deserted the Irish defense forces and joined the fight and were pardoned only recently in 2012. I read that it was the southern parts of Ireland where anti Jewish sentiment ran deepest.

  8. If it weren’t for the tater blight, I suspect my very probably scummy forebears would never had the gumption to come here.

  9. @grool, wearing a green derby and smoking a churchwarden pipe June 3, 2017 at 11:26 am

    Replace that pipe with a blackthorn “ambulatory assistance device” and we might have the newest regimental uniform in the Kekistan Foreign Legion.

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