The Left’s Argument About Paris Deal Summed Up In One Interview – IOTW Report

The Left’s Argument About Paris Deal Summed Up In One Interview

This is simultaneously pathetic, hilarious, sad and frightening.

All of the left’s reasoning on Climate Change, and how it relates to the Paris agreement, is distilled into one idiotic bouillon cube that sits atop the mayor of Miami’s neck.

23 Comments on The Left’s Argument About Paris Deal Summed Up In One Interview

  1. Watched this last night.
    Mayor’s the Perfect Democrat. Loud, glib, overconfident, oozing Early Bill Clinton oiliness, totally uninformed and totally couldn’t care less because he has his Talking Points.

    Dems now are nothing but memorized nonstop unrelenting scripted robots, rattling off their canned spiel in an endless loop.
    They don’t care about Facts, or Truth, their only focus is Winning.

  2. The left has no shame and no brain. They know they are full of shit and they don’t care. Arrogance beyond belief. I can’t stand the left. They all suck.

  3. @Rufus — I’m not even sure their focus is Winning. It’s like listening to a whole lot a people who have ODD — Oppositional Defiant Disorder. They rebel against everything because that’s just what they do. It’s a mental defect. Just look at the people “interviewed” recently who, when told an obama policy was out of the Trump WH, went nut cakes, but would not believe the truth when it was revealed.

    Ah ha! I just looked up the DSM on it and they exhibit ALL the symptoms.

  4. @Helo, I had the pleasure of seeing that live. Laughed my a$$ off, rest of audience was nearly silent. One could almost guess where I was on the East Coast.

  5. I have great news for the mayor of Miami Beach, and all other liberals in a frenzy about the U.S. pulling out of the Paris Accords – YOU CAN STILL SAVE THE WORLD! You folks can scrape together $100 billion per year and send it to China, India, and all other third world countries that don’t have to actually reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Europe can reduce its own collective greenhouse emissions 25%, 50% or even 100%. Miami Beach, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and New York, who combined have millions of residents, can pass draconian laws and regulations punishing your citizens for using energy – all in the name of global warming. Go for it, and follow the Paris Accords to your heart’s content.

    Trump’s decision only means that the United States won’t be paying for it, or wrecking its own economy to make you feel better. But that’s o.k. – YOU CAN STILL DO IT ALL ON YOUR OWN.

  6. Why do all these democratic leaders exhibit these shit-eating grins? Good lord, they truly are deranged and maniacal. I’ll never forget that demonic grin from Joe Biden during his Vice-Presidential debate where he literally never stopped smiling in that condescending and disturbing manner. The wicked truly are comfortable in their ways.

  7. Climate change is a monster invented by the left. I tell stories to kids about it to give them nightmares. Climate Change is hiding in your closet, if you move it’ll kill you – good night, sleep tight.
    Then when the wind blows, I cup my hands over my mouth and in a slow low voice, “cliiiiimate chaaaange…”
    5 seconds later they come running out of their rooms.

    Poor kids. See what the left has done to them?

  8. For starters that guys eyes are too close together. Secondly, he is not capable of an honest discussion. And guys like him, and the mayors of so many cities get millions of votes, every year. We are so stoopid.

  9. You know, the sheer dishonesty of left makes me not care, even if there was such a thing as man made climate change. I just don’t give a hot damn at this point, listening to these oily, low IQ bastards. They refuse to accept the truth of the data because they are dependant on that transfer of wealth from all of us, so I’m uninterested in their crocodile tears.

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