Trump Follows Through On Adding Some Vetting Measures To Current Visa Application Questionnaire – IOTW Report

Trump Follows Through On Adding Some Vetting Measures To Current Visa Application Questionnaire

Anyone applying for a visa to the United States must now provide their social media accounts which will be scoured for anti-American or pro-Isis, pro-Terror rhetoric. It’s an addendum to the current questionnaire.

Sound stupid?

Keep in mind that the woman San Bernardino murderer wrote about jihad on her Facebook account and Jeh Johnson ignored it.

But, what if they just say, “me no have social media?”




11 Comments on Trump Follows Through On Adding Some Vetting Measures To Current Visa Application Questionnaire

  1. I get asked the same things on any job applications. so they better get use to it, if you’re coming to america, you’re gonna work, if you want to eat!

    might as well break them in right at the entrance.

    ok, mr. Sheik Yer’ Mami, is it? looks like it’s pop quiz time , and remember there are right answers and wrong answers, so take your time, you’re going to be here for a while.

  2. Given all the diseases and inflictions immigrants bring with them, I sure hope there is equal concern for Blood tests & Medical screening.
    Maybe DNA testing ….If their family tree has one branch, deny entry.

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