The Left Believes They Can Say What They Want – IOTW Report

The Left Believes They Can Say What They Want

Bill Maher takes offense to the phrase “you can work in the fields.” He then proclaims, “please, I’m a house nigger.”

27 Comments on The Left Believes They Can Say What They Want

  1. Proof of the double standard. Dr. Laura was hounded off the air for using the same word but look at how different the context was: A black woman called the show and was distraught because someone “called her a nigger.”
    Dr. Laura spent time consoling her and just repeated the word in the context of the woman being bullied by someone else! It didn’t matter at all that Dr. Laura was equally appalled and was trying to help the woman – only that the word came out of Dr. Laura’s mouth. A decades old career as the number 3 national radio host was over.

  2. All the outrage is progressive bullshit. It’s freedom of speech, pure and simple. While I have no love for that idiot Maher, he has the right to use whatever descriptive term he wants to use,no matter who it offends. Blacks can use offensive terms like honky and cracker towards whites, and use the term nigger to describe themselves all the time, and no one says shit about it. Well, too goddamn bad, you don’t get to tell me I can’t say nigger (or nigga) while you yourself use it. If i say nigger, and you get offended and try to kick my ass because you are offended, then when you refer to me as cracker, honky or whitey, then I am perfectly within my rights to try to kick your ass. If blacks dont like the word nigger, then maybe they should stop using it to describe each other. Respect yourself and others, and others will then respect you in return.

    Also, would there have been a problem is Maher had used the term “house wigger”?

  3. it’s time for somebody to lead all of America’s niggers … all the people who feel left out of the political process — Ron Dellums

    While a (mostly) black man was in charge, those of us who weren’t freaks, morons, melanized or commies were the niggers.

    Trump is liberating all of us from niggerdom. Unless of course you just like being a nigger for some idiotic reason. <—–the problem

  4. I guess I missed the SJWs’ outraged protests. So, I guess their ‘belief they can say what they want’ is right. Pompous ass Mahr is well practiced in hypocrisy.

  5. From the New York Times: “The epithet was not bleeped out when the episode was rebroadcast at midnight, but HBO released a statement on Saturday saying it would be removed. ‘Bill Maher’s comment last night was completely inexcusable and tasteless,” the statement said. “We are removing his deeply offensive comment from any subsequent airings of the show.’

    And this gem: “Other commenters on social media posted tweets asking why Mr. Sasse did not immediately take issue with Mr. Maher’s remarks.”

    I see how this is going to work– It’ll all become Sen. Sasse’s fault for not publicly condemning Maher. Also, HBO knows which shows draw big advertising dollars for them so they’re not about to give Maher the boot. Interesting that the audience laughed and clapped.

  6. BEG above… We were not able to see the audience prompt signs asking/demanding any given reaction from the audience. audiences usually comply with the signs but a viewers think it is spontaneous. in the event it is not the reaction desired, canned laughter can always used.

  7. Why does everyone get so bent out of shape over nigger? I just checked two dictionaries and couldn’t find it in either, so apparently it isn’t even a word. No different than calling someone a bxkzyt.

  8. Tired of the left getting to define and control. Every Black person I know personally calls each other ni**er. So, Nigg8 please. Just more PC crap to control the narrative.

  9. Poor Lazlo, they will do exactly what Kathy Griffin is doing right now; Claim that it’s not their fault, and that the evil conservative white man is keeping them down.

  10. What now? Let me tell you what now. I’ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin’ niggers, who’ll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch.
    You hear me talkin’, hillbilly boy? I ain’t through with you by a damn sight. I’ma get medieval on your ass.

    Marcellus…Pulp Fiction

  11. Well, they pulled sasse out of the closet, just another
    money grubbing goddamn rino.
    That didn’t take long did it?

    House nigger?
    I still gotta go to work, I’d love to stay at home.

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