Al Gore Dodges Scathing Question From Chris Wallace – IOTW Report

Al Gore Dodges Scathing Question From Chris Wallace

“Hey Al, you said 11 years ago that in ten years we would be on an irreversible catastrophic course with doom. What up”?

I’m paraphrasing the question.

Gore gives a really stupid answer. He says enough has been done in order to not make him look like a giant, sloppy fool.

(Again, paraphrasing.)

So, we’re out of the woods? Carry on, folks! It only takes a half-hearted, largely symbolic, effort to keep the planet from peril! So we’re good.

17 Comments on Al Gore Dodges Scathing Question From Chris Wallace

  1. It’s not a dodged question if nobody believes him.

    People are learning that climate change is a global scam designed to pilfer the funds of the public through ignorance and emotionalism.

  2. Plenty o’ Shame to offset
    Right msNBC
    Right Mourning Joe, Mika too
    Right Itchy Dark Shadows

    Did ya know…
    msNBC & Co. getting Blue & Blue’er
    Dark Shadows Smelt It
    Harold Ford Dealt It
    Java Juicey

  3. His carbon exchange ceased to exist. At that point, global warming/climate change was finished except for the rhetoric.
    Thank God President Trump isn’t swayed by the ankle biting globalists and rejected US participation in the Paris Bullshit Accord. It will fade into darl places where things like the Kyoto Protocol now live.

  4. What a maroon!
    What a nin-cow-poop!

    How gullible we are (as a nation) that this greedy, lying, no-account, thieving, sack-of-monkey shit hasn’t been run out of the country on a rail.

    TV has become (or continues to be) “Fools On Parade.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Gore was also quoted as saying “I get no respect no respect I tell ya”
    Tell me the fat tub-o-lard doesn’t look like the late great Rodney Dangerfield there.

  6. So then by his reasoning a little went a long way. Following the logical conclusion, we don’t really need to do all that much to be able to stop the total destruction of the planet. So the Paris Accord wasn’t really necessary anyway since the reductions already achieved have saved the planet.
    Now we just need to get volcanoes to stop spewing and we’ll be living in a beautiful paradise. Utopia at last.

  7. It was and is a commie scam.
    Stated in the 45 goals of communism
    entered into our congressional record in 1963.
    We were a manufacturing giant before this
    crap started in the ’60’s…

  8. Rush mentioned today on how much Gore is beginning to look like Rodney Dangerfield! LOL!!! Rodney – “I don’t get no respect!”. Gore – “I don’t DESERVE no respect!”

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