NY Times Issues Scathing Report – The Democrat Party Is Not Going To Recover Anytime Soon – IOTW Report

NY Times Issues Scathing Report – The Democrat Party Is Not Going To Recover Anytime Soon

The left can offer their asinine autopsies of why Hillary lost until the cows come home. The only problem is, the cows aren’t coming home.

The left spent all their time on issues that really do not matter to struggling middle-class families, right or left, across this gigantic nation.

Most people, despite what the left obsesses about, do not care about a transexual feeling uncomfortable in a bathroom.

Most people do not have the desire to put a shovel to a business that doesn’t want to participate in the celebration of a same sex marriage.

Most people are not worrying that an illegal hasn’t a sanctuary city to hole up in while collecting benefits outside the grasp of ICE.

Most people do not care if the Washington Redskins are called the Washington Redskins.

Most people do not think that blacks deserve reparations.

Most people do not think Russia got Hillary elected with the help of Trump.

Most people do not think that the police target blacks for assassination.

Most people do not think their guns should be taken away.

Most people do not think women in America are oppressed.

Most people do not approve of the way students behave on college campuses.

Most people do not think Muslims should be brought to America as refugees.

Most people do not think we should have an open border.

Most people do not share the same prioritization of these issues like the left prioritizes them. They feel as if the left abandoned the meat and potatoes issues for fringe issues that benefit a slim demographic of people.

The left felt that these were the virtues that defined them and that they would be rewarded at the ballot box.

Wrong. It’s killing them, and rightly so.


Trump accentuated people’s feelings that battle lines were being drawn in the country and that the forgotten American (a.k.a. working class whites) had to take sides.

I asked Nick Gourevitch, a partner in Global Strategies, to rank the importance of economics, race, immigration and cultural alienation in driving support for Trump. He emailed:

My take is that economics and culture/race are quite intertwined. The Obama-Trump shift happened in places that are no doubt economically distressed and when you do focus groups with Obama-Trump voters, the conversation always starts about the economy, jobs leaving, towns and places that are no longer as vibrant as they used to be.

As focus group discussions continued, Gourevitch noted, cultural and racial issues began to emerge in force:

So it may be that within economically distressed communities, the individuals who found Trump appealing (or who left Obama for Trump) were the ones where the cultural and racial piece was a strong part of the reason why they went in that direction. So I guess my take is that it’s probably not economics alone that did it. Nor is it racism/cultural alienation alone that did it. It’s probably that mixture.


The tipping point was when the left overreached and began talking about white people as if they were a hinderance to progress, a speed bump toward Utopia.


Enough was enough with that talk. It’s asinine, and the blowback was justified.

ht/ C. Steven Tucker

17 Comments on NY Times Issues Scathing Report – The Democrat Party Is Not Going To Recover Anytime Soon

  1. Well! Just IMAGINE: you focus on White-Hate and you don’t win.
    I’m “shocked.”

    “Trump has successfully forced Democrats to begin to examine the party’s neglected liabilities, the widespread resentment of its elites and the frail loyalty of its supporters.”

    “Trump is the messenger of what Molyneux calls “political populism,” which “is, fundamentally, a story about the failure of government.” “

    “voters drawn to Trump are anti-government, deeply wary of a pro-government Democratic Party.”

    GEE. It’s almost as if Americans are INTUITIVELY against Slave-Master dependency.
    Who’da thunk?!?

  2. The left also has pissed away bushel baskets of money and the national debt doubled during obozo’s administration, leaving us with 3rd world infrastructure all over the place (they had help from a lot of RINOs, though).

  3. sorry, great wishful thinking, but the democrat party and the republican party are two sides of the same coin.
    the democrats are not going anywhere.
    the republicans won’t let them, if they did who would need them ?

    there is as much republican support for our man trump and his policies as there is democrat support.

    trumps support comes directly from the voters not a party.

  4. Yea the dems have gotten way out into left field with their SJW crap. Most people care more about their bank account than if gay dudes that wear dresses can use a ladies room.

  5. “The tipping point was when the left overreached and began talking about white people as if they were a hinderance to progress, a speed bump toward Utopia.”

    That’s Obama’s identity politics in a nutshell. They can all kiss my ass!

  6. We can add that most Americans intuitively know this is America, not The EU, and we don’t want to be an America in which we are the villain in “The Story of Stuff.” Most Americans know that if it weren’t for America, those left in The EU would be spreken ze Deutsch.

    Newt Gingrich does not get enough credit for his attempt to get the GOP to understand that this is fundamentally a center right country and that all they had to do to win elections was to state the differences between the parties clearly, to polarize the electorate once and for all, instead of the GOP doing “Liberal Light” and trying to appeal to voters on the same social justice platform as the D’s. It was the same GOP cabal who played dirty politics with him in the ’12 cycle and robbed him of his expected FL win. They had to shut him down. Thank God they were unsuccessful trying the same thing w/Trump.

  7. You even had Romney saying “These jobs just aren’t coming back.”

    Then candidate Trump comes along four years later and says “Stupid politicians made stupid deals. I will negotiate better deals, bringing jobs back.”

    Which message is more appealing to the middle class, offering hope, and which one suggests abandonment?

    I’ve always felt that even if he isn’t successful, Trump is trying to fix the situation. At least someone is trying, forchrissakes.

  8. What the MSM doesn’t see, is those people know their old jobs aren’t coming back. They’re wondering why new jobs are being stopped by the government.
    Because Socialism and Progressives, of course.

  9. @Czar of Defenestration June 9, 2017 at 5:47 am

    > It’s almost as if Americans are INTUITIVELY against Slave-Master dependency.

    The problem (not simply an issue) is that the majority of Americans (I’m still waiting for a multi-year, multi-crore-dollar grant to prove it’s the vast majority — like climate “science,” the science is “settled” but must remain unproven until the checks clear) want nothing but “Master-Slave dependency.” Though they prefer to call their “slaves” “servants.” Because the “settled science” is that their slaves “choose” to serve them.

    The issue for this majority is simply who will be given the title “Master” and who will be “servants.” They yearn for a government that will smash their neighbors who want to build a “Synergistic Madrassa and Militia Training Center” on the land they have already rented from that government, while wailing about the tyranny of that government interfering with their own planned pig farm on the land they, themselves, have already rented from that same government.

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