Hillary Clinton Explains The Way To Stop Terrorism Is To “Understand” Other Cultures & Their Food – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Explains The Way To Stop Terrorism Is To “Understand” Other Cultures & Their Food

Zero Hedge:

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Infowars.com,

If you thought Hillary Clinton would stop talking any time soon then think again.

The defeated presidential candidate told a fundraiser for a youth program that the best way to stop terrorism was to “understand” other cultures and their food.

Yes, really.

Hillary defended London Mayor Sadiq Khan, the man who once represented 9/11 Al-Qaeda member Zacarias Moussaoui, called moderate Muslims “Uncle Toms” and said terrorism was “part and parcel” of living in a major city.

Clinton said that Khan, who has called for Donald Trump to be banned from entering the UK for a state visit (while actual terrorists from Syria are free to return), had shown “steady, determined leadership”.

Hillary said the best way of combating terror was to “reach out to the world” in order to “understand” people living in foreign countries.

        “Getting to know one another. Learning about the experiences, the lives, the cultures, the religions, the food,” she added.

One wonders what kind of “cultures” Clinton is referring to?  MORE HERE

21 Comments on Hillary Clinton Explains The Way To Stop Terrorism Is To “Understand” Other Cultures & Their Food

  1. I’ll eat a can of pork and beans or have some sausage gravy with a Muslim whenever they want.

    If I think bacon grease helps chick-peas fry up right.

    That’s cross-cultural activity isn’t it?

  2. It’s so disgusting to see her spouting off again all the time.
    I might be able to tolerate it better if she were sitting in a jail cell where she belongs.
    It’s not too late to bring her and the rest of her enablers to justice. That should be a priority, not global warming and the rest of that ridiculous crap they still try to ram down our throats.
    How many more times do we need to defeat them?

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