Let’s Compare Caesars – IOTW Report

Let’s Compare Caesars

In a bid to defend the use of an all too obvious Donald Trump to portray Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, the left is pointing to a production of the same play done five years ago that used what they now claim is an Obama like Caesar who also gets assassinated in the end.  OK let’s compare.

Here’s an image of the current production being run in New York

Note the obvious wig and extended tie worn by the actor playing Caesar. There is also the glamorous women with the European accent standing behind the lead. It’s pretty clear who they are aiming their knives at.

Now let’s go to Minneapolis’s Guthrie Theater production that the left is trying to use to deflect criticism.

First, let’s look at their Caesar

Yes, that is a black man, but I don’t remember Obama ever shaving his head and what’s with the vest? Did Obama ever wear a vest?  I don’t seem to recall.  I was unable to find a photo including the actress playing the wife, but I did find out who played Calperina in the Guthrie Production. Her name is Kaliswa Brewster and here’s her picture.

Less a resemblance than wishful thinking on the left’s part if they believe that this beauty could pass for Michelle Obama.

8 Comments on Let’s Compare Caesars

  1. The only reason there is a black Caesar is because of what my lesbian, theater-loving, Trump-supporting sister calls “Reparations Casting”. It will be hard to convince me, or her, that a Minneapolis theater company was hiding long knives meant for Obama with this production.

  2. My guess is that the Guthrie production played Caesar as a relatable leader whose greatness is thwarted by a hateful senate full of lesser men. The production going on now plays Caesar as a despicable buffoon who richly deserves being stabbed to death by those courageous heroes of the senate.

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