Leftist Muslim reporter pleads guilty in Jewish Center bomb threats blamed on Trump supporters – IOTW Report

Leftist Muslim reporter pleads guilty in Jewish Center bomb threats blamed on Trump supporters


So many things illustrated in this case: the fanatical hatred of the Left; the Jew-hatred of the Left; the absolute unscrupulousness of Leftists in their quest to defame and destroy those whom they hate and fear; the Leftist/Islamic alliance; the dishonesty of Leftist “journalists”; the credulousness or willful ignorance of the establishment propaganda media in initially reporting these threats as evidence of a recrudescence of the anti-Semitic “far-right,” supposedly invigorated by Trump; and the fact that the Left will stop at absolutely nothing in attempting to advance its insidious agenda.

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3 Comments on Leftist Muslim reporter pleads guilty in Jewish Center bomb threats blamed on Trump supporters

  1. just like no one in their right mind believes they need a gun for self-defense, no one in their “right” mind needs to worry about islam…….

    it’s the “religion of peace.” after all…….it’s not like the word “islam” means submission or surrender or “DO AS YOU’RE TOLD OR DIE” or anything like that……

    i won’t have to worry about this plague – i’m old and ready to check out any day…..but my kids will reap this whirlwind, and that makes me sad….that our government has decided not to protect my kids against this enemy…..maybe the Donald will do what he promised, and save us from dhimmitude……

    maybe….if they give him half a chance……..which is, apparently, asking a WHOLE HELL OF A LOT from THEM……..

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