“Refugees” on welfare Taking Vacays Back to the Countries They Said They Needed To Flee – IOTW Report

“Refugees” on welfare Taking Vacays Back to the Countries They Said They Needed To Flee

Refugees are largely parasitic scum running to welfare states to exploit dumb progressives.


A shocking investigation has revealed many asylum seekers are returning to their homeland, despite claiming their lives would be “threatened” if they were forced to return home.

Four out of five Eritreans in Switzerland are claiming state benefits.

The revelation reinforces the growing problem caused by the fact refugees are allowed to leave the country for 21 days a year, but are not obliged to say where they are going.

The investigation, carried out by Swiss-German newspaper BaZ, revealed how dozens of Eritrean families arrived at Zurich-Kloten airport to travel home.

Many have travel vouchers as refugees or as temporary residents, who can stay in Switzerland despite a rejected asylum application.

However, their trip does not lead directly to Eritrea because such flights are not available from Zurich, but to Istanbul.

From there, they travel to the Sudanese capital Khartoum or to the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, according to boarding cards seen by BaZ.


ht/ annie

9 Comments on “Refugees” on welfare Taking Vacays Back to the Countries They Said They Needed To Flee

  1. They very well know that just being here is a huge drain on our society. It is intentional and that’s half of their war equation. It’s nothing new. Cloward-Piven documented that strategy quite thoroughly over half a century ago.
    The other half of the equation is to establish a local soldier base to be used as cannon-fodder when (not if) the iSlamic uprising occurs.
    Key to all this happening is depending on Politically Correct, bed-wetting, White guilt-ridden, kumbaya-singing Liberals to act like Politically Correct, bed-wetting, White guilt-ridden, kumbaya-singing Liberals to pull it all off.
    It’s just that simple!

  2. It should be the same as with drug addicts.
    You can’t go hang out with your druggie friends again.
    If you are a refugee, you have left all that behind you.
    If a ‘refugee’ has enough money to travel, they are no longer in need of assistance.

  3. Being a professional pest guy. I am here to confirm the correct identifications of the pictures above.

    I am also obligated to acknowledge that you have to be completely committed to eradication the parasite in question because the survivors always multiply and develop some kind of resistance to normal pest control & medical means.

    Just like being half-assed about finishing your antibiotics for an infection doesn’t often work out very well.

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