Serial Rape Accuser Faces Life in Prison – IOTW Report

Serial Rape Accuser Faces Life in Prison

British authorities began to grow suspicious that so many men, 15 of them, were choosing her, in particular, for rape. Too bad one of her victims spent 7 years in jail.

One guy, who was being held on bail for 2 years, said she approached him at a party and said, “my girlfriend is downstairs, do you want to have sex?”

He said, “I felt uncomfortable. I didn’t want her to feel rejected but I really didn’t find her attractive.”

It’s unclear in the story whether he did it or not. If he did, it was one of the most expensive “pity f***s of all -time.”

It’s also unclear if “girlfriend” meant that she was a lesbian.


ht/ js

34 Comments on Serial Rape Accuser Faces Life in Prison

  1. Here is a woman who obviously has no self-control who, I am certain, has been blaming others for her own failings for a long time. That is the definition of progressivism.

  2. I heard a comedian the other day say – “If I go to prison for 25 years, for a murder I did not commit, I rally am going to kill someone when I get out. I’m gonna cash in my One Murder Free card.”

  3. He said, “I felt uncomfortable. I didn’t want her to feel rejected but I really didn’t find her attractive.”

    Might have been that “package” in “her” pants? Reminds me of Mooshelle.

  4. for the city slickers here, a D-9 is the largest bulldozer that caterpillar makes.
    A “ripper” is a sort of root rake.

    Hungjumper you have to keep in mind that a lot of folks here aren’t all that red neck.

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