Denver Government Makes It Legal to Crap In Public In Order To…. – IOTW Report

Denver Government Makes It Legal to Crap In Public In Order To….


Bring us your tired, your poor, your public poopers.

Hot Air wrote it this way-

The soft bigotry of Denver’s public pooping laws

The Denver City Council has voted unanimously to decriminalize a number of offenses, including defecating in public. Also, urinating in public. Camping on public or private land without permission. Panhandling. And lying across public rights-of-way, such as sidewalks.

. . . . Democrat Mayor Michael Hancock and city officials explained the new ordinances are designed to protect immigrants — legal and the other kind — from “unintended consequences.” These consequences were fines and longer jail terms, as has been customary in most places for violating the behavioral norms of civilized American society. 

more at American Lookout


Left-wingers are horrible import/exporters.

We want to import civil people, and export public defecators, or, as I call them, left-wing voters.

Hmmm, now I understand. The left are actually self-serving importers at the expense of civil people.



14 Comments on Denver Government Makes It Legal to Crap In Public In Order To….

  1. Big tourism and convention money will reluctantly go elsewhere.

    California has unfortunately been exporting expats to Denver since the 80s/90s.
    They’re like virus cells. Each is a Leftist Missionary.
    They infect each new community and convert it to a Lefty hellhole.
    I really feel sorry for genuine native born Americans in Colorado. They’ve been invaded, massively, and their lands and government stolen from them.

  2. Progressive logic, they’ve come out and put ‘safe’ hypodermic needle disposal units all over wealthy parts of the city but decriminalize the laws that are being broken by those using the needles along with the illegals they are protecting in their sanctuary city.

  3. Were I to live in Denver I would ‘have a go’ at anyone taking a crap on my lawn, and they would lie in their own waste as the ambulance came to scoop them up.

  4. Denver will see the outbreak of diseases that were thought to have been eradicated when indoor plumbing became all the rage. Health care costs will be in the stratosphere, and they will stand there wondering why all this is happening, Fooking Idiots.

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