Estranged Wife of Progressive Would-Be Assassin Speaks Out – IOTW Report

Estranged Wife of Progressive Would-Be Assassin Speaks Out

“I can’t wrap my head around this.”

“Go away. Leave my good neighbors alone, they don’t deserve this.”

“My daughters don’t deserve this. I’m sorry he did this, but I don’t deserve this.”

Let this be a lesson to all women out there – don’t marry bitter, angry leftist losers. They will make your life miserable in many, many ways.

28 Comments on Estranged Wife of Progressive Would-Be Assassin Speaks Out

  1. Her Lefty husband of 30 years abandoned her to go to D.C. to Murder For Maddow ™.
    Looks like he rang all the warning bells as a Crazed Assassin.

    But now yeah, attempted mass murder is now all about Her, and what She “doesn’t deserve”.
    She has her slick Innocent Spouse lines down cold. As if she’s been rehearsing for months.

    I wonder if she also had a “My husband freed us from Trump’s tyranny, hooray” speech rehearsed.

  2. This guy was angry and violent about everything. An insecure, short punk who could not reconcile his lack of success in life and incapable of kicking anyone’s ass. A ticking time bomb.

    Enjoy hell.

  3. Read the criminal/arrest history of the a-hole. Sounds like the only peace the neighbors had was after he left in March. She was married to him for 30 years and this comes as a shock? Naw, 2 peas in a pod.

  4. estranged? If he was crazy, he would have shot her first.

    he must have called and communicated with her.
    Angry and pissed men dont let a wife just walk out. it was a set up.

  5. She knows more about him than she’s willing to reveal at this point. But she will probably be on “The View” or CNN before the
    FBI or S.S. get to chat with her. She’s already lawyered up. I see a book deal. Then again I may be wrong. Who the fuck knows these days?

  6. this guy was a douche-bag from the beginning. BUT, his wife knew how he was. this was inevitable. she was just too understandably scared to say anything because of the girls. I bet he molested the girls as well, after she stopped putting out. But, hat still doesn’t justify her surprise to what he did. bottom-line, she knew he was planning something, just not the extent of the plan. And she wouldn’t have been able to stop it for fear of the life of Her and the girls. But I would’ve put a knife in his head, as would my wife into mine. that’s what I’d expect of her when I go off point.

  7. She knows exactly who and what he believed in, and she believes the same. No one said you deserve anything, but I bet you egged your husband on. He wasn’t bringing home the real nice bacon, and your frustration drove him crazy. All the while his buddy Bernie was enjoying it all! I saw the guilt in your face, live with it now. P.S. You look a lot like Sanders wife!

  8. A co-agitator in the house is exactly what that scrunt was. Now
    look for her going after the money angle and the death. I’d also
    look to see if he’d recently bought a large insurance policy or she
    took one out on him.
    I’m still betting he had a paying agitator also that would spin
    him up.

  9. I’m going go reserve my judgement on the wife and children of the psychopath until more information is available. I know from experience that being family with an unstable person puts you in a difficult position. You never know if they mean it, or are just bluffing for control.

  10. Liberalism in the end makes you miserable and drives you nuts and into depression 24/7 hatred, jealousy, dissatisfaction, and insanity is not good for the soul. These people are perpetually angry, dissatisfied, and victimized. Nothing ever is right with these nasty useless agitating turds. And they are *everywhere.*

  11. She is a dumbass liberal who married a dumbass liberal. Good grief this happens everywhere, the big city is full of these dumbass liberal couples and there also seems no shortage of them in flyover country, either. I expect all of these morons watch way too much TV.

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