Congressman Scalise Is Going After People Peddling in Human Trafficking – IOTW Report

Congressman Scalise Is Going After People Peddling in Human Trafficking

I don’t wanna get all Alex Jonesy on everybody, but it’s odd that one of the charges the left has been dealing with, deflecting and answering for, are the topics of pedophilia, human trafficking, Epstein, etc., and Scalise is the congressman leading the charge to fight it.

Who gets shot by an oddball lone gunman who said he was heading to DC to work on tax reform?


By the way, who comes, alphabetically, after Scalia/Scalise on the hit list?

ht/ Salve

16 Comments on Congressman Scalise Is Going After People Peddling in Human Trafficking

  1. There’s been too many suicides with multiple gun shots to the back of the head to think there isn’t something going on here. I think my favorite is the black guy that was investigating Hillary that died from an unfortunate gym accident.

  2. This is not the first time I’ve heard it suggested that perhaps Scalise’s effort on the human trafficking front is a key reason he was shot. There was a time when I’d have scoffed and called the idea a conspiracy theory, but nowadays, I think anything is possible.

  3. Makes you wonder why the left didn’t make such a big deal out of the gunman who crashed Comet Pizza to investigate. And it’s passing strange that they didn’t try at all to point that nut back at us yesterday. Like they prefer to let sleeping dogs lie.

  4. I commented when this went Down.
    My thoughts were, The Shooter would Surely Have Had Perfect Details if the Democrats Sent Him ! However he didn’t even Know which Party it Was (Bullshit), so He Was Sure to Ask a Republican- Giving the Dem’s an Allibi !

  5. They Made Him Look AS RANDOM as possible – Except he of Course Was White -Middle Aged, and Probably Resembles How Young Dem’s see Republicans !
    Shit , I’m Starting to Believe in the Conspiracy.

  6. I then Wonder Who Decided to Enlighten the NYT ? and if Practice Info is Usually Posted for the Public (sounds 1970s to me ) ?
    Hillary’s a Master at this : Place an Avalanche of connections to a Death, and Hope We Connect it ! Then We’re Crazy…And She Gets Away With Another Murder.
    I’m Sure the Fun Stories Fly at Their People Eating Parties !!!

  7. I still think it was a paid setup. Dude was batshit
    crazy, BUT to go that far, rent for that long, and then
    to start investigating, pacing out and questioning?
    Where the fork he get the money for all of that?
    Don’t work for me.

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